Harry Potter Promoting Occultism??

by Satanus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    As many Christians like Potter

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    You know, it's true that many Christians like Tolkien and are freaked out by Harry Potter.

    It's also true that there is wayyy more magic in Tolkien's books, plus other races which have their own creator gods, etc, and the basic premise of both books is that good is battling evil and some of the good guys use magic and some of the bad guys do, too.

    So why are the Christians so wild about the dangers of Harry?

    My guess - one word: Witchcraft.

    Good old Gandalf can wizard from morning til night and the Christians (some of them...some of the fundiest don't like Tolkien anymore than they like Harry) just love him. But you throw in that word witchcraft and Christians freak. See...wizards who use magic can be good guys...but women who call themselves witches just can't. And Harry goes to a school that proudly proclaims to teach witchcraft??? This has your average Baptist sh*tting bricks.

    My parents (both fundies) stopped railing about the books when, in front of a group of people, I confronted mom:

    "Have you even read the books?"


    "Well I have and whoever told you that is full of sh*t. (it was their pastor and I knew that) That's the most ridiculous claim I've ever heard. If you're going to talk about the books I suggest you read them. You used to be a teacher, for God's sake...you should know better!" (she shut up and I haven't heard from her on the subject since)

    They think wizards don't have to be 'in league with the devil'...but witches sure must.

    Asleif...not in league with the devil...I don't bowl. (plus the fact that I don't believe one exists...I don't serve Satan, I don't have the recipe)

  • SheilaM
    call themselves witches just can't.

    LOL What was Bewitched LOL I understand what you mean though. That this is a common unfounded belief.

  • czarofmischief

    It's a subtle promotion of a new religion emphasizing magic and ritual and learning - the overthrow of Christianity in the minds and hearts of the people and replacing it with a cult based on the mystery cults of Babylon and Egypt. Yep, the New World Order's State Religion! Sounds good to me!


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    It's a subtle promotion of a new religion emphasizing magic and ritual and learning

    I realize you were making a joke, but even though the Christians who are anti-Potter accuse it of being that, but it's not even remotely a promotion of any religion...much less Wicca. The magic and witchcraft in Potter is standard, stereotypical fictional magic and witchcraft (not remotely Wiccan magic).

    Just in case there's anyone around who doesn't understand this yet, let me repeat:

    The characters in the Potter series...yes, even the wizards and witches, are culturally Christian.

    Not Wiccan, Pagan or any other religion. They celebrate Christmas and Easter...although they seem to do so as cultural holidays rather than as religious holidays (in other words, the same way most of the world really celebrates Christmas and Easter). THere is absolutely no reference to any religious belief or item that is Wiccan.

    Magic works for the characters in the book like science works for people. They study it like science (especially Chemistry). It's not religious magic.

    Now if we could just explain that to the fundamentalist Christians, we could all take a break.

    Actually, those religious leaders who are making the most noise about the Potter series probably do know the difference, and are probably at least aware that there's something wrong with their argument, but as long as it gets them publicity, support and money, they don't care. (Have I meantioned how cynical I am??)

    Edited to add: If there are religious values the series promotes, I'd say it was secular humanism, which the fundies don't like either but doesn't get them nearly as much press as witchcraft.

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