Surname Change: your opinions please

by RAYZORBLADE 40 Replies latest social family


    Once again, I appreciate all the suggestions, and I am bookmarking things left/right and centre.

    XJW_B12: honestly, I am not too worried about former classmates etc., because I didn't really have any close friends in high school. Any that I did have, fortunately, I am still in contact with them. I was an active JW @ the time. So you know that put a damper in 'worldly associates'.

    I spoke with my boss at work tonight about it, and she was 'not surprised'. She thought it was a good idea.

    Sheila & ThunderRider, I know what you mean. Those very same thoughts had crossed my mind. One thing however is, my father's brothers' had children, and they have worry about his surname being carried on.

    Cruzanheart, loved the tartan submission on here. That was pretty cool. Getting me all dressed-up now aren't you?

    Prisca, thanks to one of my favourite Aussie posters, I appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

    I will keep you posted on my happenings regarding the surname change. Thanks to all.

  • Maverick

    This is something I am planning to do myself. My mother remarried when I as five, at eight my Step-dad adopted me and gave me his name. He is a wonderful man and I love him dearly. But I am French and his name is Polish and hard to pronounce. When he passes away, hopefully not for another 20 or 30 years, I will change my name. But not back to the French one, Ladieu, but to the one I write under. I use it now, and have added it to bank accounts as an a.k.a. But I will wait to change it legally out of respect for my Dad. So, go for it! Maverick

  • Xandria

    I hope it goes well with a name change. I know it will take time to get used to but if it makes you happy. So in your honor I post this picture above.

    Kilts away.


  • talesin

    MacLeod - kilt - sounds deliteful

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thumbs up Ray! I say go for it an don't look back.

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    I'd change it but not to MacLeod but to its Gaelic form Mac Leoid. The point of having your father's last name was to carry on the family title, what's the point if you're not proud of that family.


    Ignorance Is Strength: the name change would be from what I am using (My father's family name) to my mother's: MacLeod (and I'm familiar with the Gaelic spelling, but it's good you posted that for those that do not know).

    As for my father, I won't go into details, but he was a tyrant, non-existant, and someone I was not proud of. Even after his death, I still feel no connection to him, so why the name? He died, and so shall his name with him.

    My mother's family, have always been there for me, especially my grandmother (maternal).

    It's not like my father's family name is going to die out, loads of grandsons/nephews etc., you get the picture.

    I am changing it, because I was NOT proud of my father, and his side of the family. Besides, I feel very good about this decision and I feel it is long overdue.

    It's like a recrudescence.

    Hopefully, by my next birthday, it'll be official, or at least in the works.

    Any further questions I-I-S, private msg. me, I'll be more than happy to chat with you there.

  • StinkyPantz

    Wow Ray, what an incredible decision to make! Good luck with it!

  • TresHappy

    MacLeod - you could tell people you're related to the actor who played Captain Steubing on "Love Boat."



    Yep your new chosen name sounds cool. Alternatively you could use "de'blade"

    Hehehe!!! I agree wholeheartedly with Brummie!

    Ray, I too changed my name when I divorced my hubby. Didn't want his name anymore after I divorced him...

    I asked my kids (they were still speaking to me then) what they thought of the idea. They were okay with it. I didn't take my dad's name (my maiden name) either. My memories of him were too painful, also the name was toooooo...ummm....European....shall we say...

    I went with my mom's maiden name...because I felt close to my mom....I love her a lot. I have no regrets. I made a great choice!!My mom has an English name....err...from England...

    I lived in SK at the time, and paid $125 through the Department of Vital Statistics.

    Love my new name!!!


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