Official Blood Document for Legal Purposes

by AlanF 42 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • hawkaw

    No. Legally you are deciding what type of treatment you want to have performed on you. You as an adult can decide what way you want to go. Thus, refusing a blood transfusion is not assisted suicide. The government only gets involved when little children are involved. The definition of minor changes from state to state and province to province.

    Assisted suicide is where a doctor knowingly gives you a little pill etc. for you to personnally take and then you go and die.


  • dedalus

    Pretty dumb.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Thanks Hawk,

    I see what you mean about a doc giving something to someone to cause them to die. What I am getting at is ''causing death by omission''.

    That is prosecutable in other situations, and I am wondering why not in the blood withholding arena.

  • metatron

    The contrast here is excellent.

    We need to emphasize - as the document shows- that , for Witnesses, refusing blood is not voluntary.

    It is ordered or demanded by the Watchtower Society , using the hostage arrangement known as "disassociation".

    What wonderful 'brotherly love'! - elders hovering over the bedside of the sick and afflicted, subtly threatening them

    with the removal of their friends and family - to enforce the blood ban.


  • xjw_b12

    Very intersting info. After I turned my monitor on it's side LOL

    Thanks Alan. I do not know whether that enlightens me or confuses me more. Just glad I don't have to adhere to it anymore.

    "If it walks like a horse, sounds like a horse, looks like a horse, smells like a horse..........good reasons to believe it is a horse." (paraphrased)

    " It it looks like s**t, smells like s**t, you had better not step in it "

  • Scully

    Thank you for posting these Alan.

    I think I will keep these handy at work. One never knows when another situation like this is going to happen.

    Love, Scully

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    There is a not so subtle effort here to make the JW blood doctrine appear more reasonable than it is. The average uneducated JW will not see the deception. Instead, they will think that the Watchtower Society is again looking out for their welfare, opposing doctors who want to force that awful, evil blood upon them unnecessarily.

    Here’s why: much of what is on page two has nothing directly to do with replacing lost blood, either because of hemorrhage or because of disease that has interfered with the normal blood manufacturing processes of the body. For example, “Transcutanious Pulse Oximeter” sounds so technical and so impressive, but is merely referring to a device with a sensor that looks at the color of blood through the skin and then calculates the percentage of red cells that are carrying oxygen. This is “high tech” in its own right, but has nothing directly to do with replacing needed red cells.

    “Pediatric Untra-Microsampling Equipment” is common in most leading medical centers, trauma centers and university medical centers. Say that you are a JW and you are likely to automatically get this kind of procedure ordered by your physician. It merely refers to using smaller blood samples than is common in every day laboratory procedures.

    “Batching – Multiple tests per blood draw” has been a common practice for years.

    They throw in the “hematopoietic Agents.” Vitamins “C,” “B12,” “Folic Acid” etc. all sound so healthy, so “natural” to the typical JW compared to evil blood that the average JW swoons with pride and admiration of the Watchtower Society for the “wonderful way in which they care for the brothers.”

    I could go on, but you get the idea.

  • detective

    Interesting document! Disturbing, but interesting.

    I have a quick question (not entirely related, mind you)...

    Is Phlebotomy considered an acceptable profession among JWs?

  • jschwehm

    I am surprised that the Society is handing out something like this. It would seem to me that this could lead to some type of legal liability for them.

    Jeff S.

  • Joyzabel

    Thank you AlanF for posting this.

    I'm surprised no one else has commented on this statement of theirs "Any technique that involves blood storage". DOH! All products of blood, whether whole blood or the "fractions" that are allowable are STORED. You don't drip it straight from soneone into another human.

    To me this rule null and voids all their silly rules on blood. Talk about straining out the gnat and swallowing down the camel. If they want to take a stand on blood then it should be NO BLOOD period. Not all those silly rules on what you can and cannot have because all of it is stored.

    On this point, I'll go donate my blood, store it and have it available when I'm pre-oping for surgery.


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