why do you post?

by SpiceItUp 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront

    I too am one of those who's almost always surrounded by dubs and am i find myself constantly biting my lip. This place and the JW C and C board on Belief.net is threpeutic for me in that I get to vent when I want to, share an observation, and learn and practice different techniques of blowing JWs out the water whenever I do find myself involved in one of their narrow minded conversations.

    I've learned enough about the JW borganization to throw out tidbits of information now and then in an effort to get my JW relatives to think for themselves for once in their lives. I think I've had some success with at least one of my bil although he still dodges any in depth analisys of JW history or doctrine with me.

  • teenyuck

    I am a gifted thinker and writer and believe I must share these ephiphanies with all of you lucky souls!

  • sandy

    I post here to get things off my mind and to learn.

    I started out here looking for someone to talk to about being out of the Org. and possibly going back. I believe I came off a little judgmental and narrow-minded.

    I found this board to be very informative. It opened my eyes to so much. I always defended the WT out of fear. I was too afraid to speak negatively of it for fear that I would die if Armageddon would happen to come just as the JWs always preach.

    After reading and reading and reading and reading.......... I started to really think for myself. I allowed myself to think about things that I was always too fearful of. Before this board I never once entertained the thought that the Org. is or could be wrong. Though I was not active in the "truth" deep down I always thought I would eventually go back.

    Well, thanks to all of you I have opened my eyes to reality. The reality is: Religion, including the JW Org. is screwed up in a major way.

    I have not completely given up on a higher power and I do not know if I ever will. But I will never go back to any religion to seek peace of mind or salvation.

  • minimus

    Well, since I don't give talks anymore..............Actually, i enjoy the personalities and the challenges of trying to understand why we might feel the way we do.I think posting can be mostly helpful to newbies that are trying to understand whether they have the real truth. Plus I do have fun here (usually).

  • Brummie
    shit brummies a bloke cat!!

    Sniggers, serves ya right for talking to strange men.

    *takes carrotts out of ears* I'll listen tya now you know the boundries.


  • Hamas

    Why not.

  • shamus

    'cause I have nothing better to do.......

  • amen

    It is fun to know what others think.


  • Matty

    I originally posted because I felt lost and bewildered after losing my faith, and had so many questions, but I now primarily post because I definitely feel part of a large community of friends. I have made so many wonderful buddies here that I would be absolutely loathed to ever lose touch with.

  • breal

    After a long time of not discussing my experience I found this forum where people are able to speak there mind and heart without having to explain all the little rules to others since they experienced something similar. I did not realize how much it still affected me.

    Also I learn a lot from other posters. Sometimes I don't reply since so many people have already expressed my opinions but it makes me think about things I would not have had it not been for reading this forum.

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