My last post.

by KGB 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou


    Interesting that this product of the Watchtower, a manipulative, high control group, should choose the online name, KGB.

    The basic organizational structure of the KGB was created in 1954, when the reorganization of the Soviet police apparatus was carried out. In the late 1980s, the KGB remained a highly centralized institution, with controls implemented by the Politburo through the KGB headquarters in Moscow.

    The KGB also had a broad network of special departments in all major government institutions, enterprises, and factories. They generally consisted of one or more KGB representatives, whose purpose was to ensure the observance of security regulations and to monitor political sentiments among employees. The special departments recruited informers to help them in their tasks.

    So you're going? Don't let the door smack you on your fat arse on the way out!


  • rebel

    it's 'grammar'

    If you're gonna mark someone for it, please spell it right, so as we wot can't spell can learn!


  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    so as we wot can't spell can learn!


  • xjw_b12

    It appears that KGB got KIA

    K nowitall G rumbling B uffoon

  • mackey
  • teenyuck

    I think KGB was a Bethel spy. The pressure got to him. I think he even, deep down, likes George W!

    I would guess that being a spy for the GB would be taxing. Having to watch your language, not call people names, not get caught up in discussions on the bible,etc.

    Like all spys forced to spend time with their captors, he was starting to agree with us on many issues. This frightened him. He requested a transfer back to the cleaning department of the printing plant.

    Too bad. He was such fun to have around. Always postitive and upbeat.

    KGB, when they debrief you (no pun), don't tell them where we really are....we are in hiding. It's a secret...Shhhh.....

  • Hamas


    Remember Jehovah's Witnesses ? Remember the Watchtower ?

    Remember your mentality as a Witness? That anything written against the Watchtower and any attacks on your faith are returned with bitterness and gullibility ? Remember the way we used to react as Witnesses when somebody questioned our faith ?

    If you have to go, then go. But just remember amigo, you are no less judgmental and naieve as a typical J Dubya.

    I have enjoyed your posts.

    So I suggest that you Christians put your faith in where it belongs and wipe the dust from your feet and leave this board

    Matthew 7 :' Stop judging, that you may be judged.... why then, do you look at the straw in your brothers eye when look ! There is a raf ter in your eye. Hypocrite ! First extract the straw from your own eye, then extract the straw from your brothers eye'

    Listen to the words of your religious master.

  • xjw_b12

    OK KGB has where is SOJ ?

  • Introspection

    KGB, this is the first post I have read from you, I just don't get around to reading that much these days. So it's kind of ironic that it should be your last, but I guess my take is do whatever you gotta do - but the internet is a big place with opinionated people, and the world outside of the net is too, they just aren't quite as vocal as people are online. I don't know that you can ever go anywhere where people won't disagree with you, even if they don't directly question you chances are you'll hear a different view at some point, so good luck with that.

  • Billygoat
    To all those who are still believers in the Lord I strongly advise you too to leave this board. When we associate ourselves with those that I am speaking of we put ourselves in danger.

    What is right for you does not make it right for others. As Christians, everything we do and say should reflect the LOVE that Christ has gracefully shown you. If you cannot reflect that same grace towards others that criticize and demean you, then you are missing an important point of being a Christian. (According to the bible YOU WILL HAVE ATTACKS TO YOUR FAITH!!) But the question is, do you believe enough to withstand them? If not, do you trust God to protect you? If not, what does being a Christian mean to you? What is the point?

    Just some thoughts,


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