No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'

by wizzstick 362 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff

    Metrosexual-once again the WT shows it is behind the times and not at all understanding of how fashion works.

    Metrosexual is a term coined in the 90's noting the 'extreme' attention to detail some men give to their clothing and grooming, with some fashion editors noting their personal opinion that it had gay roots; yes, well they may or may not be right.

    How that works out in real life is maybe a little like disco; disco started life as club music in gay night spots, but it went mainstream. To the society, that meant disco was gay music, where most people just liked something different to listen and dance to.

    To Tony Morris and his writers, who apparently haven't learned a thing from when disco went mainstream and was enjoyed by general public, fitted clothing represents a gay intrusion into their heterosexual world.

    He is obviously very troubled by this; he is on record ranting about this in Italy and to the assembled witnesses in the AGM 2014, and now it is policy.

    He has a real problem with this; he must be having sexual thoughts when he sees people in tight clothing.

    Now, in the manner of dictatorships, the personal fears of the leader are turned into writ: the CO's are instructing the elders to be on the lookout for 'metrosexuals' (now that fitted clothing is mainstream and influences all fashion), for 'gay mannerisms' and butch hairstyles, and don't be sending anyone who 'blurs' gender line to Bethel.

  • punkofnice

    I find it amazing that his holiness watchtower rock star pope TOMO3 is up in arms against anthing remotely 'gay' but has no problem in protecting paedophiles.

    What does this say about this man?

  • Simon

    Not everything that is new is automatically "unprecedented".

    Really? There is no precedent for the WTS wanting to control people's dress and appearance? That has been going on since at least the 50's & 60's (when clothing and appearance became a way to reject the establishment and people didn't default to more stereotypical & smart appearance).

    I think this is a slight change at best purely incorporating language about a modern trend into their instructions.

  • Finkelstein

    Whats ironic and tells tale of the hypocrisy concerning the GB's lamentation about dressing modestly, Anthony Morris is often seen dressed to the nines with gold watch, gold pinky ring, expensive suits with french cuffs and gold cuff links.

    Since he's an over weight tub of lard , perhaps he's a bit jealous of the slim and trim younger men with a full head of hair.

  • Finkelstein

    Quite frankly this new direction from the GB isn't really that new, its just a revision of old agenda of JWS men and woman dressing in conservative fashion. not to look like in the worldly fashion. To dress flashy with bright colored clothing or tight pants as it were is narcissistic and doesn't represent wholesome Christian values.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    Your arguments are persuasive, but I must ask you two questions:

    Do you want effeminate brothers and brothers who embrace the metrosexual look to be allowed out on field service?!

    Are you effectively fighting for the rights of gay JWs to continue in the religion as gay people?


    If this is just about a dress code, then why not make it public? Why not have this information on the official website for the public to read? Had this particular issue been addressed by the Royal Commision in Australia, would the WTBTS have been proud to defend this "dress code", or would they have attempted to spin the issue?

    In my opinion, those are questions worth asking.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    What I believe interesting about this is many of my friends have mentioned in private conversations in smaller groups that it's insane that the GB would be focusing on what sort of clothes people wear when they should be concentrating on other things. It's been a running joke for the last year or so after the US branch visit where he went off on it.

    Sure, conservative religions have restrictive views on all sorts of things but I will say that while born-ins who have stuck around and are in their 30s & 40s are still relatively conservative, they are much more liberal than older JWs and tend to blow off this type of stuff and do what they want.

  • Diogenesister
    Whats ironic and tells tale of the hypocrisy concerning the GB's lamentation about dressing modestly, Anthony Morris is often seen dressed to the nines with gold watch, gold pinky ring, expensive suits with french cuffs and gold cuff links.

    Finky There is a lot of genious posts on but you just took the biscuit -

    Doesn't AMIiI realize the way he dresses is the embodyment of the style he criticizes - ie the " ultra groomed" look the GB ponce around in??????

    Why don't they sell their expensive Armani suits, gold rings and watches & give to the poor??

    The only reason they don't look metro is, as finky pointed out, they've got no hair and are not what we in sarf London term 'FIT'!!

  • Pistoff



    Your arguments are persuasive, but I must ask you two questions:

    Do you want effeminate brothers and brothers who embrace the metrosexual look to be allowed out on field service?!

    Are you effectively fighting for the rights of gay JWs to continue in the religion as gay people?

    What I want is not relevant; I don't expect the witnesses to embrace gays, not going to happen.

    That is not what this is about.

    This is a new policy that is a) discriminatory and b) impossible to quantify; if they put the counsel into practice (I see no reason they won't, as they have been lectured repeatedly about the GB being the spirit directed slave) then people who 'appear' gay will be singled out, and many who may just be snappy dressers (seen as gay or 'metrosexual' (ps, the 90's is calling), for counsel and prevented from further service.

    There are thousands of gay people inside the witnesses, whether or not they are sexually active; this includes those with and without 'effeminate' or butch mannerisms and dress.

    The stupidity of it is mind boggling.

    But FORGET the clothing angle; no one at the door would even notice if a witness came to their door in a fitted suit or a baggy suit, that is Tony's obsession.

    Focus on the application of this policy to those poor souls who elders will now single out as 'effeminate' or butch; they are counseled, become paranoid and try to change something they have no control over.

    Don't we all know gay men, effeminate and not, and lesbians, butch and not??

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