No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'

by wizzstick 362 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215
    During my first week at Brooklyn Bethel, the head of my table remarked to me "there are a lot of guys here that are "light on their feet." He was a senior member of the Service Department. Most of the guys fitting his description were in the so-called "white collar" jobs, i.e., in the Service Department, Bethel office, or writing.
  • tornapart

    Dress code has been around a long time. From as far as I can remember as a child in the 60's, long hair and beards on men, short skirts on women. Tight clothing, low cut tops etc.... making sure our clothing was modest and clean and tidy. Made sense.

    This however has gone ones step further. It is now discriminating against anyone who shows any kind of behaviour, traits, speech or mannerisms that makes them appear gay. It smacks of total control, and yes, it is very disturbing.

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    LMFAO I'm sorry guys. I can't stop laughing at the ever increasing absurdity this cult keeps whipping up on a weekly basis.

  • minimus
    I just went on his website. Very impressive. Two thumbs up! I don't think I was on it before or if I was , the format changed.
  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    Hypocrites! They are JUST like the Jewish Pharisees that "strained out the fly but gulped down the camel!"

    Tight pants are such a problem that you could be stopped from preaching but child abuse is fine as long as there are no "two witnesses" to the crime....

    You guys want to help?

    Please sign it and pass it on! Let's turn up the HEAT on these frauds! We only need 26 more signatures to get it on the desk of the US General Attorney! Let's do it!

  • Gorbatchov

    19 pages of reactions on this topic, so I had some time to think about, before posting.

    Great topic anyway!!

    My opinion, first at all:

    Simon has a point, there are far more topics to concern about, the child abuse in the organization, the property investment and finance matters, the blood doctrine, the vision about higher education etcetera etcetera.


    The letter to be discussed with the elders, shows the outside world that people, without realizing, are being observed in the congregation. Observed on their appearance, what is reflecting their personality.

    This is so wrong, so North Korea. It's a sect even in these smaller topics.


  • Simon
    The JWS isn't the only religion that has rigidly structured conformism.

    Exactly - when you see Mormons you know instantly they are Mormons. It's part of their "brand identity".

    Given that the WTS has been copying the Mormon-style slicker branding lately it's no surprise they would want to tidy up the appearance of their troops too.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I thought that the watchtower’s view on gays was that they could not have sex, as simple as that. Hence, if you would have a gay and a straight-yet-single man standing next to one another, the both of them would be equal to God.

    Now, with this directive, they are actually ruling against simply looking gay!

    Thinking that they went back on what they had previously published, I made a quick search in the WTLib. They wrote that they

    “disapprove of homosexual conduct, not the people themselves”. - Young People Ask 1, chap. 23. p. 170

    Back in the days, when I read this, I thought this meant the sexual conduct. However, with the directive from yesterday, it is clear that it is the overall conduct of the individual. In that case, I don’t see the difference between disapproving between the conduct and the people themselves!

    I have nothing against you, it’s just that I hate everything about you, the way you walk, talk, dress, smell or even look at me...

    They are worse than I thought they were.

  • Simon

    Compared to giving up relationships, giving up certain styles of clothing seems less serious doesn't it?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Now, with this directive, they are actually ruling against simply looking gay!

    Actually, I don't think they are. They are ruling against looking 'metrosexual'. Looking gay and looking metrosexual aren't one and the same. They overlap, sure.

    What about the many gay men who prefer the traditional 'straight' style over metrosexual or outrageous campness?

    Throughout this thread, there seems to be confusion over the terms 'metrosexual' and 'gay'.

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