Told My Parents Yesterday That I Don't Want to Be a JW

by Saethydd 42 Replies latest jw experiences


    Your parents are right about life having no purpose without God.....shadow

    Life without God.

    Is Like a Bunny.

    Without a Pancake On Its Head...

    Image result for Bunny with pancake on head

  • sparky1

    Congratulations have shown great courage at such a young age. May your life be filled with success and much happiness.

    My advice is to ignore shadow's comment. Rather, you look and search for the meaning of your life. To quote Viktor Frankl:

    "For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment." (No mention of God or religion. And Viktor Frankl was a pious Jew.)

  • ToesUp

    "This newly liberated teenager became obedient and lost the rebel attitude. To this day our kid is kind, generous, and forgiving. Just never believed in the religion and we said okay."

    We did this as well. Once we learned TTATT, there was NO turning back. Our oldest wanted out of WT and is now a hard working, kind and respectful adult. We could never shun our children, no matter what WT says. It goes against EVERYTHING we are. Sometimes the more parents try to cage their children, the more the child pulls away and rebels.

    You never know where this could take your parents. Just show them that you CAN leave this cult and be a wonderful person. You sound like you are well on your way.

  • shadow

    Puny humans can't see their true place in the universe. Such little progress in human perceptions since Galileo.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    What planet are you on Shadow?

  • stuckinarut2

    Well done!

    The first step to freedom is being confident to stand up for your own truth. You have done this!

    Once we let go of the FOG (Fear Obligation Guilt) imposed onto us by a belief system not of our choosing, we can truly live life.

    Proud of you!

  • shadow

    Same planet as you . . . A submicroscopic rock in the universe filled with know-it-all humans with lifespans shorter than a mayfly.


    Such little progress in human perceptions since Galileo.....shadow

    Image result for You`re a special kind of stupid

  • scratchme1010

    Anyway, I just thought I would let anyone who was interested in my story know how things have worked out so far.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate it very much. Also, you may be helping others in similar situations that lurk around the forum.

    Great job, and I commend you for your courage.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    It seems your parents are jumping to the conclusion that either the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society -- a publishing company created by man -- is the church of Jesus Christ (Jehovah), or there is no God. The third option, of course, is that Jesus is still the Christ, the Redeemer and Savior of mankind and the Son of the Father, and that your parents just took the wrong path.

    Uh...blowing your head off would seem to me not to be the next option. Your parents should be able to explain why a God who has revealed Himself throughout the generations of man, suddenly became the passive player in how He deals with man. If two or more of the Governing Body had heard from God, or if the early Bible Students had visibly seen what was, to everyone else, invisible (and I don't mean seeing with their understanding), they would have had some claim to what they were telling others. But they should explain why a church founded by men, indoctrinated by men and guided by men in today's world should be the same church founded by Christ, who visibly appeared after his resurrection and spent forty days with his disciples. If they cannot establish the legitimacy of the church, how can they expect anyone to follow the dictates of its founders, who are men?

    To say that either the Jehovah's Witnesses are the true faith or that God doesn't exist is a substantial non-sequitur. I would think the universe being ruled by cows is still a few rungs up from blowing off one's head. If your parents say that their faith is the true path, then let them explain to you why that is. Jesus never taught the shunning of anyone was of him. He never did it to sinners, so why should your parents or any other Christian?

    Get a good King James Version and throw away the NWT.

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