The ups and downs of being a short guy

by Maverick 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    when i was a teenager, a guy who was my height, 5'5, wanted to date me, but i was honest with him and told him i did not date guys my height or shorter. It was my loss,he is a great guy, married a tall woman, and i was so dumb for missing out on him. If it was now, i would date a man who had an interesting personality, whatever his height.

  • m0nk3y

    My boyfriend Chris is totally shorter than me but I think he is very cute and sexy and we all know what they say is inside small packages. I especially think that he looks better with a bit of meat and muscle oh him. Alot of shorter guys look quite good if they look a bit buffed.


  • greven

    I usually date girls that are shorter. I wouldn't make it a problem though if she was taller...would feel strange though....


  • Country_Woman

    It was never an issue, but I allways felt uneasy with shorter boys - (at school, I was nearly the tallest kid in the class) To be with somebody taller then I am, was just pretty.
    Today, people are growing taller and a lot of men (and woman) are taller then me.


    I agree with Viv, our Gracious newly-appointed Dutch District Overbeer, who I respectfully quote:

    But I do tend to date guys that are taller than me,

    I prefer tall men...and that is a challenge for meeee, because I am 5'6" tall .... which translates into 5'9" in my dance shoes!...which is how I live on my "off-work" time!!!


  • SheilaM

    By the way Thunde ris 5'8

  • aarque

    My husband is 5' 2" ...and so am I, so that means we see eye-to-eye on everything....

    Seriously, though, his size probably saved his life. In 1971, at the age of 17, while walking down the road, he was struck and run over by a tractor-trailer ( 18 wheeler). His legs got caught in the tire carrier underneath and he was dragged for a quarter mile before getting loose and was nearly run over by a car that was behind the truck. He was crushed from the hips down and spent the next two years in several hospitals. If he were a larger guy, he probably would have never gotten loose.

    The worse part: he remembers the accident completely; he never lost consciousness.

    Today, he takes morphine for the pain and needs a fourth hip replacement. His local doctor says it will be catastrophic surgery.

    Yes, he does walk, but some days he can barely move. He never, ever complains about the pain.

    He is one incredible guy.

  • avishai

    Tall chix don't intimidate me, their all the same height laying dowm!

  • manon

    5'6" here so I find taller men attractive 6'0" or better.

  • Xandria

    My hubby is 6ft 1~ I tease him alot. My dad is a short person hence so am I. There are good points about being short.. beside nature makes up for it.


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