3/4 of Canadians want JWs to get a permit

by RunningMan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    JWs are not the only religion to go door to door. There is a community church in my area that has a regular program of speaking door to door and leaving pamphlets. There also are local ministers, from various churches, that have gone door to door inviting people to their services.

    The problem with permits is that permits are governmental controls, governmental controls on religion should only be used for serious infractions of the law not to muzzle unpopular religions. The guarantee of religious freedom is for the unpopular religions, the popular ones need no protection.


  • Scully

    I respect anyone's right to freedom of worship, including the right to proselytize door-to-door. Having said that, however, those people who want to shove their right to freedom of worship down my throat and IGNORE my own freedom of worship, my own right to the peaceful enjoyment of my property, my own right to maintain the safety and security of my home, should not be surprised at being charged with harassment and tresspassing when I have specifically requested that they cease and desist from entering my property.

    Any JW's rights to freedom of worship cannot infringe on an individual's rights to refuse permission to come on their private property.

    However, the WTS makes it neither easy nor convenient for individual householders to refuse their visits. Many JWs are neglectful in noting on their territory cards which homes are "Do-Not-Calls". It is practically impossible to send mail to many Kingdom Halls, since there are no mail boxes to receive letters.

    People need to be educated regarding their rights. They CAN demand that JWs not call. They CAN put such demands in writing. They CAN call the authorities and have JWs charged with harassment and trespassing once they have made their expressed wishes known.

    Love, Scully

  • IslandWoman


    What does your post have to do with permits?


  • RunningMan

    I have no problem in upholding freedom of religion. But, when that religion has been responsible for withholding some of my own personal freedom, then I don't have any sympathy for them.

    I think that this survey was far more superficial than this discussion has been. Globe and Mail visitors were basically just saying that they wish JWs would go away... Don't we all?

  • shotgun

    Hi runningman thanks for your recent encouragement

    I was wondering if for the vote you mentioned here did you get one vote for every ten dollars contributed or was it somehow unfair and you actually only got one vote per person

  • Scully

    Island Woman:

    What does your post have to do with permits?

    Basically, it has to do with the issue - at least from a Canadian perspective - of legal permits to disseminate a person's religious opinion as having been ruled as unconstitutional by the courts of the land. It then falls back to the individual homeowner or tenant who has two choices: continue to allow the JWs to exercise their right to freedom of worship on my private property, or ceasing to grant them permission to step onto my property to exercise their freedom of worship.

    Just because the government can't do anything legally to stop JWs from preaching door-to-door, individuals do have the right to choose whether they want JWs coming to their doors.

    It's just a different way to approach the problem - and one that JWs cannot challenge in court. Get it now?

    Love, Scully

  • IslandWoman
    Just because the government can't do anything legally to stop JWs from preaching door-to-door, individuals do have the right to choose whether they want JWs coming to their doors.

    You are correct.


  • shamus


    I HOPA!

    E SO!!

  • RunningMan

    Well, the results of a new poll have just come in. It appears that panhandlers are more popular than JWs. Only 58% of respondents want them outlawed.

    Wednesday, Jul. 9, 2003

    Should panhandling be outlawed in your city or town?

    7987 vote s (58 %)
    5701 vote s (42 %)

    Total Votes: 13688

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