3/4 of Canadians want JWs to get a permit

by RunningMan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    The jws say that they are 'practicing their religion' and that such permits and all that's involved are an infringement on that practice. However, this aspect of their religious practice is one that directly impacts (interfers may be the better word) the privacy of others. No wonder people don't like it, and I wonder sometimes how 'free' a religion should be to practice things which impact in such a manner on the general public.

  • hawkaw

    I for one believe that JWs or anyone else can come to my door. It is of course a buyer beware market -both for me .... and of course them. Why them? Well if a JW comes to my door they better understand dating by clay varves, ice cores and of course Amercian bristlecone trees/ European oak trees (and that April 8, 1972 Awake! magazine won't help them with me) and they better be tuned up on their blood doctrine too.

    What I have been concerned about is groups including JWs who allow known predators to come to my door, accompanied by other JWs or not. The tort of hiring/supervision negligence usually ensures companies screen gas, hydro and other employees for such problems before they do door to door sales/meter reading etc. But religious groups where the people doing the work are usually volunteers allows these groups some wide leeway and protection when problems between sellar and homeowner happen.

    This is something that the JWs have to stop doing - putting predators on the streets. But permit for JWs? As a Canadian I would have to object due to the freedom that is granted in our Charter.

    Of course I do know of a dog down in Bowmanville, Ontario who may disagree with me.


  • acsot

    Saint Satan - check your pm.

  • Satanus


    Problem is, jws aren't really volunteers. They are coerced into doing door to door sales/propaganda work. A real volunteer takes it upon himself to visit a nieghborhood about something, let's say for instance the 'do not call' program we discussed here a yr ago. If a person didn't spread this, it made no difference in how he was viewed. If a professed dub doesn't do door to door, he better have a good excuse, or he will be marked.


  • Nosferatu

    The 27% who said "NO" were probably made up of mostly JWs & Mormons.

    If the JWs needed a permit, Jehovah would require a payment for the "privelage" of being an unbaptized publisher. Field Service & Driving are privelages, not rights.

  • JH

    The government has laws and regulations for EVERYTHING today. Where I live, there is a law when you can water your grass, a law when you can wash your car, what kind of nozzel at the end of the hose you NEED. You can't put a FOR SALE sign in your car if your car is in the street. You can't throw the snow in the street in the winter, can't park your car in the street after 11PM 5 months a year, need a permit to plant a hedge. Now even cats need a permit even if they stay inside.

    So why don't the Jehovah Witnesses need a permit to go pest people door to door 7 days a week?


    I remember last year, on a neighbouring AM radio station talk show out of Hamilton, Ontario, a huge discussion about JWs and their annoying 'door to door' ministry.

    The station was: 900 CHML

    It was interesting, then they did a call-in rapid response, which gave you 5 to 10 seconds to respond.

    It was interesting to hear the responses.

    The thing is, and I believe this will come as no surprise, the charter of rights and freedoms is something the JWs clutch tightly to. They'll work it for all its worth to ensure they are allowed to wake you up on Saturday/Sunday mornings while you try to get a good rest/sleep.

    They haven't been around here lately, but I have seen them in the area. I'm sure they'll be on my doorstep before not too long.

    If I see them, I'll hang a sign on the door with a warning: APOSTATE household


  • RunningMan

    Actually, as much as I now dislike Witnesses, I would not like to see them legally restricted. It would be a sign that our society has gone too far in limiting human rights. We would be no better than the Witnesses.

    If people really want to get rid of them, they should all ask the Witnesses not to call. Also, why not just give them a really miserable, rough, time at the door. If they want to pester the public, the public should be able to pester them back.

    If dissatisfaction with JWs is high enough, the public will take care of them themselves. If dissatisfaction is not high enough (and I don't think it is), then there is really no point in restricting them.

  • Satanus
    If they want to pester the public, the public should be able to pester them back.

    To make it even and fair pestering, shouldn't the public have the oportunity to have addresses of active dubs, so the members of the public could visit them at odd hours, say 3 am, when a member of the public feels especially spiritual after the bars close?


  • Phil

    Actually, as much as I now dislike Witnesses, I would not like to see them legally restricted. It would be a sign that our society has gone too far in limiting human rights. We would be no better than the Witnesses.

    Why not. Governments are limiting our human rights now. Fines for not fastening our seat belts or using the cell phone. These laws proved to be a revenue source for all the police forces. Imposing fees and fines is fine for me. ( no pun intended)

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