Fully Gifted Creation, No God of Gaps

by D wiltshire 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    How so? I don't see the order matching at all. Genesis 1 has light appearing before the sun is created and birds and fish being created at the same time -- even though fish evolved, then reptiles (and possibly some mammels), then birds. But Genesis says that all land-creatures were created after the birds, which contradicts the fossil record.

    That is your intrepretation of Genesis I have a different one.

    Plus, in chapter 2 of Genesis we have a totally different account of creation which has man being created before all the other animals and plants!

    Again that is your interpretation not mine.

    So in no way does the Genesis account -- or should I say accounts -- in Genesis match the scientific findings of the fossil record.


  • logansrun

    D wiltshire,

    My "interpretation", huh?

    Take a look at Genesis 1:3. You will notice that it says God created Light. Now, take a look at Genesis 1:14-18. You will notice that God "puts" stars in the sky and creates the sun and moon. Doesn't fit modern conceptions of astronomy or physics now, does it?

    Genesis 1:21 says that God created the sea creatures and the birds. Genesis 1:24,25 says God created land creatures. As I mentioned before, this is in contradiction to the findings of modern paleontologists.

    Take a look at the Genesis account in chapter two and you will notice a completely seperate account of creation in order, language and in the very conception of how God acts. In chapter one God simply can create things by speaking them into existence. In chapter two God (called Yahweh througout this account -- in difference to chap. 1) has to mold the man out of clay and take out a rib from his side to "form" the woman.

    If you call this a match with modern science you probably need to reevaluate your scientific background.


  • Satanus

    'Course my theory can't be proved either. I gather that in your search, you are using your intellect, interacting w researches. In the search for god, many mystics have found that after they have looked everywhere, they finally find god inside themselves. If the fractal universe theory holds any water, then this is possible. A meditation practice opens up a large inner space (as a mirror to the huge outer space you have been pondering)


  • Albatross

    D Wiltshire:

    ". . . suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements."

    I see in your post a man of heart. And I am in agreement with you.

    Tell me, what do you think of this:

    Psalm 19:4

    "Into all the earth their measuring line has gone out. And to the extremity of the productive land their utterances. In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 and it is like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber; it exults as mighty man does to run in a path. 6 From one extremity of the heavens is its going forth, and its (finished) circuit is to their (other) extremities; and there is nothing concealed from its heat."

    I don't know as this can be proven scientifically, but it is accurate, it is poetic, and there is more understanding between its lines than in the sum of its words. I don't believe the Bible was written to be proven in a scientific way, as much as to be felt in the heart. To lead men of heart into the very knowledge of God.

    These are my personal findings, others may choose to argue or disagree, it matters not; for we are here today and gone tomorrow.


  • gumby

    Lets say a creator god "started" it......and we have what we now have. OK......so what? Where is he now? If you created something and saw it turn to shit.......would you fix it or say......"well, I did my part....now they can learn to fix it". If he is a god like that he's an asshole. He knows we fail at stuff and get diseases and that religion kills people. Has he told us how to fix it? Why yes you say.....through Jesus.

    Yes.....things are very pleasant today because of him.....which by the way, is why you and I are here....because of him.Want to deny it?


  • drwtsn32
    God does exist because of the vast order i see and that something doesn't come from nothing.

    What about a snowflake? Does someone make each snowflake? They are certainly quite complex and come from something very basic (water).

  • drwtsn32

    I suggest not falling into the trap of attributing things to a supernatural being that we cannot currently explain or easily understand. Ancient people blamed lightning, earthquakes, rain, etc., on supernatural beings because they had no idea what caused those events.

    Once we have a firm scientific understanding of something, it takes the mystery out of it and it seems silly to continue to attribute such things to a god.

    Think about this: does it seem more reasonable that "at the very beginning" there was only the most primitive forms of matter, or that there was some supernatural, all powerful being?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Tell me, what do you think of this: Psalm 19:4 "Into all the earth their measuring line has gone out. And to the extremity of the productive land their utterances. In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 and it is like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber; it exults as mighty man does to run in a path. 6 From one extremity of the heavens is its going forth, and its (finished) circuit is to their (other) extremities; and there is nothing concealed from its heat."
    I don't know as this can be proven scientifically, but it is accurate, it is poetic, and there is more understanding between its lines than in the sum of its words. I don't believe the Bible was written to be proven in a scientific way, as much as to be felt in the heart. To lead men of heart into the very knowledge of God.

    I agree there is much poetry in the Bible, and many forget this and so draw wrong conclusions. I think even some of the Genesis may be written in that style. Too many people read it with a 20th century mind and forget writting was invented only 5000 years ago and styles have changed. Concepts were very different 5000-3500 years ago. The flood of Noah time many take it to mean a globe incircleing, but just alittle thinking tells you Noah didn't have a clue about the earths size or anything.

    These are my personal findings, others may choose to argue or disagree, it matters not; for we are here today and gone tomorrow.

    I think you are on the right track.


    Lets say a creator god "started" it......and we have what we now have. OK......so what? Where is he now? If you created something and saw it turn to shit.......would you fix it or say......"well, I did my part....now they can learn to fix it". If he is a god like that he's an asshole. He knows we fail at stuff and get diseases and that religion kills people. Has he told us how to fix it? Why yes you say.....through Jesus. Yes.....things are very pleasant today because of him.....which by the way, is why you and I are here....because of him.Want to deny it?

    I don't think things have turned to shit, things are just the way God has figured them to be, you and I don't fully understand what he is doing. We can only guess, I rather trust him for I feel confident he is Love. Sure we have pain and suffering, it is uncomfortable but that doesn't mean these things are totally bad, I think a lot of good will come out of our experiences of these unpleasant thing that you or I can't fully comprehend.


    I suggest not falling into the trap of attributing things to a supernatural being that we cannot currently explain or easily understand. Ancient people blamed lightning, earthquakes, rain, etc., on supernatural beings because they had no idea what caused those events. Once we have a firm scientific understanding of something, it takes the mystery out of it and it seems silly to continue to attribute such things to a god
    I don't think science will ever be used to prove there is or isn't a God. So your use of "scientific understanding" to disprove God is something science can not do.
    . Think about this: does it seem more reasonable that "at the very beginning" there was only the most primitive forms of matter, or that there was some supernatural, all powerful being?
    You lost me here. SS,
    'Course my theory can't be proved either. I gather that in your search, you are using your intellect, interacting w researches. In the search for god, many mystics have found that after they have looked everywhere, they finally find god inside themselves. If the fractal universe theory holds any water, then this is possible. A meditation practice opens up a large inner space (as a mirror to the huge outer space you have been pondering)
    I have read the writtings of some mystics and found them very interesting, and enjoyable. I think that they are right you can't even come close to explaining God presents, and the sense of sight, or any of our earthly senses can ever be of use to expereince him as he truely is. We can't do it with our mind either IMO, we need a different type of existance to see him as he truely is.
  • gumby
    I don't think things have turned to shit, things are just the way God has figured them to be, you and I don't fully understand what he is doing. We can only guess, I rather trust him for I feel confident he is Love. Sure we have pain and suffering, it is uncomfortable but that doesn't mean these things are totally bad, I think a lot of good will come out of our experiences of these unpleasant things that you or I can't fully comprehend.

    Hey bud,

    Do you REALLY believe what you just said in the above? I mean really?????

    A god of love would have a good plan to have billions of people suffer ungodly horrors. Did God have a plan for the massacre of hitlers enemies? Just what would that plan be......maybe bring them back to life and have them say..."ya know, I learned the most wonderfull thing when I was being starved to death and tortured....let me tell you about it".

    What PLAN could god possibly have for this? It would at least be nice if he would tell his kids not to worry.....I have a good PLAN for this. ( christians....please save the "he has Jesus as the plan" comments. Most haven't even heard of the dude.)

    How is it that pain and suffering isn't.......TOTALLY bad?

    Not to pick on you bud but that sounds like bad denial to me.


  • Abaddon


    I don't know the phrase 'fully gifted creation', but this is something I have been going on about in various conversations with various people. Some people see god as a plate spinner, starting things and keeping things going; this is a traditional Christian concept. Others see god as a potter, who made it as you see it. Others still view god as a landscaper; one who worked out a plan, set it in motion, and stood back to let natural process make their vision.

    Evolution and god are not mutually exclusive of each other. I cannot understand why people go for falsifiable theories or contradictory theories like Creationism (YEC and OEC) and Intelligent Design when they can believe in god and accept modern science as detailing the process used. All Moses (if it was he) was doing was detailing the process used from his cultural viewpoint and level of knowledge. There are SO many flaws in then first few chapters of Genesis any other interpretation is unsound.

    Of course, there are many who cling to a literalistic interpretation of the Bible for ideological reasons, but the intellectual gymnastics that are required to try and match the evidence with the ancient texts are unconvincing.

    I would say that there is a logical problem with a supposedly caring and loving god that has gone to every effort to make him or herself a mater of belief. The arguments used that belief is nessecary and the existence of proof would spoil this always smack of casuistry.

    I would also say that there is no clear signal that the Bible is any more or less a divine book than any other major relgions divine book, or that the Isaraelites were anything other than a bunch of bronze-age ethinic cleansers, or that Jesus existed.

    Once again, the existence of such doubts seems illogical given a Christian paradigm of god.

    Obviously, god cannot be disproved. That is different from god existing. I frimly believe if it mattered we would KNOW, there would be no doubt - any other scenario puts god in a very dodgy situation as regards fairness.

    Of course, god doesn't have to be fair. But the idea god is unfair is illogical, and if it turns out that way €uck it, a despot is a despot and I won;t live under a despot.

    The possibility that we are actually not important to whatever created the Universe (if it was created) seems to be a option that few people consider; just as most human ideas of god are very petty and anthromoporhic, so to the idea that we MUST matter seems a rather arrogant assumption in the absemnce of any firm proof.

    And finally, as you have learnt over the past few year Dwilt, it really is quite possible the Universe has got to where it is via naturalistic processes without divine guidance; I know you've not always thought this. How it actually started is moot, but if it's possible that once it's running it works as cosmological and evolutiuonary theories generally define, there is another possibility.

    No god. That the Universe came into being via exotic physical processes, but still naturalistic ones.

    This requires no more belief than in there being a designer, as the designer immediately gets us into a situation where a designer must be explained, and their designer must be explained, etc..

    It comes down to there being a god who hides, a god who doesn't care, or no god.

    The latter seems most likely.

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