Whats the nicest thing anyone has said/done to you?

by SpiceItUp 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    I have lots of stories - but I think the one that touches me the most is when my son (17 years old) told me one day just recently how much I meant to him and how great a mom I had been to him. WOW - and it wasn't even Mother's Day!

  • teenyuck
    The total lack of response though does not make me happy...It only amplifies that most people try not to see the good in their life and over-exaggerate the negative

    Boy is that true!

    I have had many wonderful things happen to me. All by people outside the JWs.

    Having a boyfriend in college who thought I was a goddess was incredible. He bought me roses at least once per month and had them delivered to the dorm. He always was trying to please me and make me happy. And he did. By words and deeds.

    My first job after college was at a large company. The company president was the nicest man (other than my husband) that I ever met. He knew every person's name and always said good morning to each person by name. He would ask if you were OK if you looked *down*. He came to my wedding (my husband and I met at work) and we danced to the Romantics What I like About You. Twice.

    I have current clients who trust me with very sensitive information. I enjoy that trust and the fact that I earned it. I trust them in turn. We also respect each other.

    There really are many, many nice things that happen on a daily basis in life. It is easier to remember the negatives...they make good stories on DB--

  • Mulan

    I think it would have to be the delighted looks on my grandchildren's faces when they run to me for hugs, and say "Grandma I missed you". (I see them all the time)

    My eldest grand daughter is 17 and she told me last week "Grandma, you're my hero." That was great!!

  • aunthill

    The nicest thing in recent memory is that on Monday someone sent me flowers! No card and I don't even know which florist - so I can't thank the person who sent them. I called my husband, but he didn't send them.

    I'm quitting my job on the 27th (to pursue personal interests), so maybe they are from a customer - or maybe a secret admirer - hehe.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I had a few teachers that really influenced me. My sixth grade teacher had us all write plays and then act them out in the class. I wrote a script about a blind girl, and we acted it out. He said I was the most talented student he'd ever had in his life and if I "applied myself" <teachers always said that to me> I could go anywhere. It was nice to have someone believe in you when you felt so little about yourself. I also had a boss that believed in me, and gave me the promotion that I never thought I'd get because I thought I wasn't good enough. I actually broke down in tears in her office saying I couldn't do the job, I wasn't qualified, etc. She said she knew I could and she gave me the chance. So I did do it, and I did it well. Thank God for her. Because of her belief in me, I stayed extra hours to learn the job and ended up winning awards for my work. I always think of her.


  • Almost There
    Almost There

    I love this thread.

    I have alot of nice things. But the most recent happened last week.

    My husband unexpectedly told me his was moving in 3 days and came back with divorce papers and asked me to sign so I would be served at my job.

    I'm crying and in shock. My two boys 9yrs. and 16 yrs. old - busted through the door and started hugging me and when I look down, my 9 year olf through me a kiss. Oh my eyes tear up just thinking about it.

    By the way he left that day. (Because I don't think he like the tension in the house, I'm sobbing and the boys shooting daggers at him with their eyes).

    So when he left I was talking to the boys about how we were going to be ok and that we needed to pray for their dad.

    After my little talk with them. My 16 yrs. old said, Mom, you don't know this now, but you are much better off without dad. You have loved him more that yourself for TOO long. You deserve better and I think God (my son is agnostic) will bless you with someone who can love you the same as you love them.

    I ask him do you REALLY THINK SO? He said mom I KNOW SO.

    Being that I was agnostic (but just became a christian). I ask him why did he say that God will bless me (being that before I believed that your blessing came from youself). He said because he still don't understand all of the God stuff. But he do knew that since I started believing in Jesus, that I have become a different person. And he was certain that my new faith would lead me to someone who has as much love in them as me.

    Almost There

  • Billygoat

    A couple of things immediately come to mind:

    My husband asking me to spend the rest of my life with him.

    My friend Elizabeth told me in an email last night that she loved me. (Read my "My heart is breaking..." thread.)

    When I was young I would get grounded a lot, which included no tv, no dessert after dinner, no playing with friends and hatefully no hugs or kisses from family members. I remember getting grounded when I was about 15/16 years old and my little brothers Jonathan coming into my room. He had his favorite stuffed bear with him and he made the little arms wrap around my face like the bear was hugging me. He was only 4/5 years old, but he knew enough to not hug me, but found a way to show me he loved me without breaking the rules. I'll never forget the look in his eyes as he did it. It still makes me tear up thinking about it.

    Friends of mine, Neal and his wife Jayne, taking me into their home when I was too depressed to live by myself. I was very suicidal and really shouldn't have been alone.

    I'm sure I can think of more. I've experienced many kind people in my life.

  • Nikita

    I can think of a few:

    ~when I was going through infertility and my Mom was dying, I finally lost it while in with my OB/GYN. He spent about 20 minutes with me just listening and trying to reassure me.

    ~This past year I had multiple health problems and I was unable to do housework on a consistent basis and although my husband tried his best it just was a losing battle. Well, one day came home to find our house sparkling clean! A group of women from my church had "borrowed" a key from my sis-in-law and spent the whole day cleaning while we were out!

    ~I have some families in Moldova that I send a little money to every month and when I was able to go there, the mom held my hand for the entire visit and the dad told me how I was even more beautiful in person than in pictures. I cherish that memory because many times I don't feel beautiful and I know his compliment was sincere and I know he meant it for me as a whole person and not just outer appearance-does that make sense?

    ~the reason I was able to go to Moldova in the 1st place was because others helped pay for it! It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life!

    I have enjoyed reading through everyones posts!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh my this was tough

    Before I left Montreal I closed up my private practice. One of my clients wanted to have a last session with me before I left

    She brought in some music and some journal writing she had done and shared it with me. She put on a tape of the song "In the Arms of an angel" and dedicated it to me. She had other parts inside of her and she visualized me holding her little ones in my arms whenever she listened to the song. She said it brought her a lot of comfort.

    She had me totally in tears thinking of holding those parts of her that she had shared with me.

    I still can't listen to the song without thinking of her and shedding a tear or two or more

    I learned that she died of heart failure 2 years ago. I miss her dearly.

  • SpiceItUp

    Hey thanks all for posting such nice stories...it renews my faith in humanity when there is good to tell about.

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