If you were gay would you...

by Swan 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Razor is gay? I like you even more now..........

    But I have this very weird thing I need to tell you,,,,,,,, those eyes of the little boy in your avatar scare the life out of me.

    I have seen those eyes in some movies and I am terrified ,,,,,,,,, saw them in the girl on the movie, Jacob's Ladder , which gave me the creeps more than any movie I have ever seen.

    I really don't know why those black eyes, scare me so much.........I must need therapy for this ......lol.


    Oh my goodness.....I grabbed that from a crazy poster that was at Ryerson University here in Toronto ages ago.

    I kept it, because it was hilarious and part of a university pub crawl poster.

    It's insane! I know.

    I am surprised people did not figure that I was....um..er...you know....'one of those'.

    I'd rather dangle good charm, manners, integrity and dignity before anything else.

    That's just who I am.

    But I love you folks a ton as well. Yes, even the coolest lookin' chick in all of Louisiana .

    The Dutch Overbeer, she's got carte blanche as well in these here parts.

  • ChrisVance

    Since this a board is made up of xjw's I find it surprising that there are so many who are supportive of us. But then again I shouldn't be too surprised. When I was a dub I told a few of my friends that I was gay and none of them treated me any differently but when the elders found out I had done so, the **** hit the fan. Of course, there are some dubs who are very homophobic. I remember one dub women saying she felt sorry for people who had gotten AIDS from blood transfusions, but she didn't feel sorry for homosexuals who had it.

    There is one person on this board who, even though he says he OK with gay people and has gay friends, always manages to put a negative note to his comments. It comes across to me as a passive agressive hostility. Of course, I won't give his name, but I wish he'd cut it out.

  • scotsman

    This is the only place in my life that I actually meet any hostility towards my sexuality. But I guess the board reflects a broad cross section of people so it's not so surprising. I don't enter any of the gay debates because they don't really interest me.

    It seems that recently on the forum sexuality is the new America or Iraq debate. How queer!

  • Prisca
    In light of the recent threads on homosexuality, if you were gay would you let anyone on this site know?

    I would probably let a couple of people know, but since I'm a rather private person, I wouldn't be making a big deal out of it.

    Would you feel supported as a gay exJW or would you feel ridiculed?

    Some would probably find a reason to ridicule me over it, but overall I would probably feel supported.

    Would you feel safe here? Or would you feel that revealing your sexual orientation would make you subject to attack.

    Any personal detail you reveal about yourself can be used as a subject for attack, if they want to attacj you.

    Would you feel okay about talking about your lover or partner, since everyone else talks about their spouse? Or would you feel that would be perceived as "flaunting your lifestyle?"

    It would be considered as "flaunting your lifestyle" but that's a double standard that exists in everyday society, so it shouldn't be any surprise that that it exists here too.

    Considering what the JWs put gay people through, would you feel that this site is accepting? tolerant? judgmental?


    Do you think this site has a double standard when it comes to heterosexual couples as opposed to homosexual couples?

    Yes (as explained above).

  • Simon

    I think people need to remember that many have been brought up with dogmatic beliefs drummed into them that it is wrong and disgusting so they should not be surprised at the strong opinions expressed IMHO (which does not excuse insulting behaviour in anyway)

    A lot of people like myself try to be more tollerant and not judgemental, I'm getting better as time goes on.

  • Vivamus
    The Dutch Overbeer, she's got carte blanche as well in these here parts.


    Dutch District Overbeer

  • shera

    If I was gay,I'd talk about it as much as I talk about my sex life now...Not much.What goes on in a persons' sex life and behind closed doors is their buisness.

  • TresHappy

    Probably not...it's really no one's business...

  • joelbear

    I'm not gay but my boyfriend is.

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