Using your anger to make positive changes

by Lady Lee 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ


    I do want to point you to nowisee's response and questions because I'm afraid that you may miss them. My dear friend, nowisee....never it is easy for me to miss, anyway but I always read everthing she writes. HI NOWISEE!!

    I can relate to you because I have doubted too and I have also been very very angry at God. You are assuming that you know my life, my friend..but you don't. I have been through more than you can imagine. I could see that my faith was being stolen from me but I held onto one thread and it grew. I'm sorry if it bothers you that I still see that little glimmer in you, but I do. If I am right, hang tough because it is not a pleasant ride as you well know by now. It is not too late for you, you have not been snatched..just temporarily kidnapped. I sometimes feel that you have given up on yourself and considered yourself not good enough or something. That is wrong and you know it or atleast there is a little part of you that wants to know that. Hang onto that!!! It is yours to keep and it will grow, my friend. "Many are called" in Matthew means that many will hear the gospel message and ignore it or twist it even.....that is not you, you have been chosen.Don't let it get to you anymore.You feel like you are in a pit, I know (been there too). (((((((gumby)))))) Hang in there and stand tall! You will not fall further and you can climb up and you know who will help you. Just endure. I will keep you in prayer if you would like me to? I don't want to upset you. I care for you. love, dj

  • kgfreeperson

    I probably need to dig it out and re-read it myself. She wrote three "Dance of . . ." books but I think that this one is the best I just started reading "Beyond Belief" by Elaine Pagels and it is absolutely wonderful. If you're interested--

  • jgnat

    When I see an injustice, I get angry. That kind of anger can be energizing, and move me to act before the opportunity is lost. That way, blunderers learn to step more carefully.

    This happened to me recently. I was working late when the cleaning lady came by. She told me how wonderful I must be to work late so many nights (yeah, right). She was ingratiating to the point of annoyance, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Until she picked up my photo album and saw a wedding picture of my daughter and son-in-law. She pointed at him. "Those People", she said, "Back in my country, they cause a lot of trouble. There is too many of them, back in my country." I saw red. With, I think, commendable restraint, I turned my back and refused to talk to her any more. Maybe a little passive, but I figured it was good enough for the moment.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am glad that some of you are finding this helpful.

    I am glad too that you have brought up the issue of Gos and your feelings about God. A while back I wrote a piece for a course I took on Religion and death. I have condensed it to post here. It is still pretty long but you will see it echoes many of your feelings

    Traumatic child sexual abuse,

    psychological death

    and the reduction of the belief in the power of God

    Lee Marsh

    Traumatic child sexual abuse is a major issue which concerns much of society. The long-term effects of child sexual abuse have been well documented by numerous researchers. However, one particular effect that has received little attention is how child sexual abuse may affect the victim's belief in the power of God.

    Many victims of traumatic sexual abuse experience a type of psychological death which may contribute to a decrease in religiosity and in the belief in the power of God. It seems that many children;

    • are taught that there is a God who loves and protects children,
    • are repeatedly abused,
    • ask God for help and receive none
    • experience a form of psychological death, and
    • stop believing that God will save them.

    Finkelhor and Browne maintain that experiences such as childhood sexual abuse "alter the child's cognitive and emotional orientation to the world, and create trauma by distorting a child's self-concept, worldview, and affective capacities". The distortions in self-concept, frequently result in a sense of helplessness, powerlessness and entrapment, the distortions in worldview result in a sense that the world is not a safe place, and distortions in affective capacities result in psychic numbing or dissociation.


    Terr states that "psychic trauma" occurs when a person experiences an intense, overwhelming emotional shock. This emotional shock leaves the individual feeling utterly helpless during the event. To a young child, who is both smaller and weaker than an adult aggressor, it becomes almost impossible for a child to experience anything but helpless to stop the abuse from occurring.

    Finkelhor & Browne, provide an explanation for the intense feelings of powerlessness that occur during abuse incidents. Without permission, the child's body is invaded. The offender uses forms of lies, deceit and trickery to involve the child in the abuse. Over time the child becomes increasingly aware of an in ability to stop the abuse from being repeated. The recurring incidents result in the child continually feeling fearful about another attack. If the child is able to disclose the abuse, the the child is frequently not given the needed help, which reinforces the child's inability to prevent another attack. The psychological impact of this on the child is to increase anxiety and fear. The child's perception of self becomes one of a victim who cannot control the situation.


    Waites refers to "The shock of a sudden trauma" that "throws body and mind off balance". She notes that if the body survives the traumatic shock "subtle or dramatic alterations occur, some of which resemble a kind of psychic death; a sense of aliveness may be temporarily or even permanently lost.". Waites, continues, "...other victims of trauma, depleted of energy for reconstruction, may languish in a lethargic state that feels dead,".

    In his book Soul Murder, Shengold states that what happens to a child subjected to "soul murder is so terrible, so overwhelming, and usually so recurrent that the child must not feel it and cannot register it, and resorts to massive isolation of feeling....A hypnotic living deadness, a state of existing `as if' one were there, is often the result."

    According to Dr. Judith Herman traumatized people "lose their trust in themselves, in other people, and in God." She states that in situations of terror people "cry out for their mothers and for God. When this cry is not answered, the sense of basic trust is shattered.". Incest survivors interviewed about their belief in a God who could protect them, confirm this loss of trust.

    Elly Danica, incest survivor and author of Don't, states. "I yearn for someone to save me. Yearn for pity. There is no help.... I try to tell my teacher at school. She says: "You are subject to your father in all things. He is your lord as Jesus is your lord. He would do no harm and no wrong. He is right in all things. If you are punished or hurt it is for your own good. If he is too rough it is because he loves you. Pray to Jesus for comfort..."

    Literature for incest survivors frequently refer to this same loss of trust in God.

    "I don't feel God really loves me -- and I've been willing to accept that because I haven't felt that I deserve his love..."

    "I was never able to see God as `Abba' or to have a real understanding of God as Father...I never let anyone into my place of safety because I felt I wasn't worth it--and besides, I couldn't even trust God not to hurt me."

    I couldn't stop crying. I told God, "I hate you for being a man! I hate you for being a father! I know what fathers do to daughters!

    It is really hard to accept a heavenly Father when you've hated your real father and have not been able to trust him. When the only father that you ever had used and betrayed you, how can you expect this guy upstairs to do good things for you?

    Throughout the literature trauma is linked to child sexual abuse. This type of severe trauma results in intense feelings of helplessness, lack of safety and protection and eventually a form of emotional numbing or psychic death. With no ability to end the abuse either through their own power or by resorting to outside powers, either other persons or even to God, sexual abuse victims frequently feel totally abandoned and find it difficult to believe that there is a just and loving God who will protect them. Clearly more research is needed concerning the effects of childhood sexual abuse on the the spiritual issues that are raised by this type of trauma.

    Full version is on my web site at
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I really believe it is wiser to walk away sometimes than create a bigger problem by confronting someone who just won't "get it"

    We need to choose our battles

  • expatbrit

    Bttt for another thought-worthy post.


  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    Lee, I wanted to thank you for this post. I saw it on my way out and wanted you to know that the part about psychic death really hit home for me.

    I was not incested, but I was physically and emotionally abused as a small child. When I was in my early 20s and was seeing a therapist for the first time, I was supposed to do all that Bradshaw "inner child' work, but I couldn't. The reason? When I did the exercises I kept getting the same answer back from my psyche: that child is dead.

    My therapist actually had to take a moment to compose herself after hearing that the first time.

    There has been no way for me to resurrect that child, either. Hundreds of hours of therapy, medications, a new and better life, nothing has done it. I look at pictures from my childhood and it's like looking at a child I've never seen before. She smiles but her eyes are vacant.

    I look at pictures of myself at the age my daughter is now, and compare them and it's amazing. My daughter has a spark in her eyes, she looks alive. I look...empty.

    I actually changed my name because of this. I could not associate my given name with anything besides being screamed at and hit upside the head so hard I saw stars. That name was only yelled, or said with contempt. The family dog's name was spoken with more love in our house than mine was. I was 'it' in my family, the other kids didn't get what I got.

    I don't know if I'll ever get that little person back. I'm just glad that my own child has a better life than I did.

    I have bookmarked your website and plan to read, and reread it quite often.

    Thank you for all your hard work...



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    essie you have a PM

  • happyout


    This is a wonder post, and one I will print and reread in depth. I was the 4th child in a dysfunctional household, and I was the "pleaser". I did almost anything I could to smooth things over, regardless of whether the issue was my fault or even involved me. I am sometimes still this way, usually only within my marriage, but it's a dangerous place to be. The problem with my way of doing things is, even though on the surface the situation is better, internally I am enraged. I hide it behind laughter, and as you pointed out, sarcasm (but only the "funny" kind) but it is there. I am in need of constructive ways to express my feelings, and also to allow myself the right to feel those less than positive emotions.

    So, thank you for this, and all your posts. You are so often the voice of sanity and reason when things get heated.


  • waiting

    remember, people do take our posts. I've edited out mine.

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