Another anti-gay Republican Senator (in the USA) caught advertising his body

by fulltimestudent 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • krejames
    Actigall UR - I hate having their lifestyle forced in my face

    OMG you're one of THOSE. And what exactly is the "gay lifestyle"? Does that mean that when my TV channel broadcasts shows like Holiday Reps (shows with lots of young drunk, vomitting, naked, straight people who have sex in the street and in nightclubs while throwing up over each other in various European holiday resorts) that they are forcing the heterosexual lifestyle in my face? Please stop with the hypocrisy or take your homophobia somewhere where it's appreciated. Rant over.

  • fulltimestudent


    I can understand your feelings krejames when you posted:

    OMG you're one of THOSE. And what exactly is the "gay lifestyle"? Does that mean that when my TV channel broadcasts shows like Holiday Reps (shows with lots of young drunk, vomitting, naked, straight people who have sex in the street and in nightclubs while throwing up over each other in various European holiday resorts) that they are forcing the heterosexual lifestyle in my face? Please stop with the hypocrisy or take your homophobia somewhere where it's appreciated. Rant over.

    But try to understand what Actigall UR means when he says:

    I don't hate gays for who they are but I hate having their lifestyle forced in my face. I believe this sentiment reflects most who oppose gay marriage and the like.

    There's been a lot of research on these attitudes, some of which I've posted before.

    We may assume that he means that he gets upset, when he sees two men walking hand in hand, or hugging or kissing. Why? The research indicates that heterosexual men do not generally get upset over such things, but men who are attracted to the same sex, but have deeply buried their feelings for men and persuaded themselves that those feelings are a sin or so do get upset. In other words they suffer from an internalised homophobia. My gayxjw friend (whom I guess I defend here) was once confronted with a ranting street preacher, going on and on about the sin of Sodom (which he did not understand at all). My friend turned to him and said, "Oh! I see the gay fairy kissed you too."

    The guy went into meltdown.

    So when you see someone like Actigall UR, you can feel sympathetic. He's having a difficult time dealing with his innermost, deeply buried feelings. If he sees two blokes kissing, he's ripped apart inside. He needs sympathy, not confrontation, as difficult as that may be in the circumstance of centuries of Christian hatred expressed toward gay people.

    I think you'll understand

  • krejames
    Thanks Fulltimestudent - you're right of course. I needed that perspective. Sorry for the rant, I should have taken a deep breath. What's the adage? "Never write when you're riled" or something like that.
  • LisaRose
    I don't hate gays for who they are but I hate having their lifestyle forced in my face. I believe this sentiment reflects most who oppose gay marriage and the like.

    What do you mean by "having their lifestyle forced in my face"? Does it bother you if two gay guys hold hands? If so, why? How is that forcing their lifestyle on to you? Or does the mere fact that they exist and can get married bother you? I do get why some people are uncomfortable with it, this is a huge societal change in a fairly short time frame, but really, do you honestly expect gay people to go back in the closet? Pretend they aren't gay? Not hold hands in public?

    Do you feel it's ok to hold hands with your wife? If so, do you think you are forcing your heterosexual lifestyle on them?

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    OMG you're one of THOSE. And what exactly is the "gay lifestyle"? Does that mean that when my TV channel broadcasts shows like Holiday Reps (shows with lots of young drunk, vomitting, naked, straight people who have sex in the street and in nightclubs while throwing up over each other in various European holiday resorts) that they are forcing the heterosexual lifestyle in my face? Please stop with the hypocrisy or take your homophobia somewhere where it's appreciated. Rant over.

    Yawn. Here's that big bad "homophobia" name calling again. LOL Do you want to add racist, bigot, misogynist and NAZI also? Sure, why not? I'll accept that. After all, I'm a white, straight male. I'm enemy number one to the libturd agenda!

    Ohhh my feelings! I'm so hurt I think I'll kill myself now!

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    There's been a lot of research on these attitudes, some of which I've posted before.

    We may assume that he means that he gets upset, when he sees two men walking hand in hand, or hugging or kissing. Why? The research indicates that heterosexual men do not generally get upset over such things, but men who are attracted to the same sex, but have deeply buried their feelings for men and persuaded themselves that those feelings are a sin or so do get upset. In other words they suffer from an internalised homophobia. My gayxjw friend (whom I guess I defend here) was once confronted with a ranting street preacher, going on and on about the sin of Sodom (which he did not understand at all). My friend turned to him and said, "Oh! I see the gay fairy kissed you too."

    The guy went into meltdown.

    So when you see someone like Actigall UR, you can feel sympathetic. He's having a difficult time dealing with his innermost, deeply buried feelings. If he sees two blokes kissing, he's ripped apart inside. He needs sympathy, not confrontation, as difficult as that may be in the circumstance of centuries of Christian hatred expressed toward gay people.

    I think you'll understand

    Sorry bloke, but I think your projecting. You see, I'm an atheist so there is no "Christian hatred" persuading my sentiment. And I couldn't care less when two gays hold hands or whatever. On the contrary, I have a great sympathy for them and wish them well and all the luck in the world with their happiness. After all, the way I conclude, it was their defective genetic material passed down from their parents that caused them to be attracted to another man's lower digestive track. So it just as well could have been me - one giant roll of the cosmic dice, as Carl Sagan likes to say.

  • Vidiot
    Don't you guys just love the XJWs who leave because the WTS isn't conservative and authoritarian enough? :smirk:
  • Simon
    We may assume that he means that he gets upset, when he sees two men walking hand in hand, or hugging or kissing. Why? The research indicates that heterosexual men do not generally get upset over such things, but men who are attracted to the same sex, but have deeply buried their feelings for men and persuaded themselves that those feelings are a sin or so do get upset. In other words they suffer from an internalised homophobia.

    I think that is a little unfair. Just because someone says they don't want the lifestyle pushed in their face doesn't make them homophobic or closet gay.

    I have no problem with people being gay, having gay pride parades, getting married, having all the same rights everyone else does or whatever they want but I also don't think it's appropriate to deliberately try to shock / disgust other which is what some few do - that is what I take having the lifestyle pushed in your face to mean. There's nothing wrong to say we don't like that - the fact is I don't like loud people in general or whoever it is doing what I consider to be inappropriate things in the wrong setting, gay or straight.

    It's this militant / black-white / for-us or against-us type of rhetoric that really undermines sympathy in people's situation. When people go out looking to offend so they can claim they are being persecuted and unfairly treated if they succeed.

    Just act like everyone else who honors the social norms. I don't care if two people walk down the street holding hands whether they are gay or straight. If I dislike a couple making out in public on a park bench it's not because of whether they are gay or straight, it's because I think it's inappropriate.

    Equality is being treated equally which also means having your behavior judged just the same as everyone else.

    My advice? Don't go to gay bars.

    Exactly - there is a place for things and people should have the choice. Having people want to take that choice away is unfair and what many object to. That is what I consider the "in your face" to be - not giving people the option.

    But that doesn't equate to being homophobic or condemning gay people's rights.

    Does that mean that when my TV channel broadcasts shows like Holiday Reps (shows with lots of young drunk, vomitting, naked, straight people who have sex in the street and in nightclubs while throwing up over each other in various European holiday resorts) that they are forcing the heterosexual lifestyle in my face?

    No, you get to chose the channel you watch so the "in my face" isn't quite the same but if it's in real life (i.e. not your choice) then I think it's inappropriate and I find such behavior repulsive whoever is doing it, not because of their sexuality but because they are being loud, self-centered and obnoxious. I just don't like people like that. It doesn't make anyone homophobic if they have the exact same opinion of gay people behaving in the same way.

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    @Vidiot- I didn't leave the JW cult because they were not "conservative enough" (as if that is a bad thing) or "authoritarian enough" (too much is a bad thing) but rather because it is a family destroying cult built upon lies and interpretations of a few old senile narcissists.

    When I was in the Borg, I always pondered the thought of "God" making people gay and then judging them based on their defective genetic material. No loving "God" would have allowed that.

    See you have me all wrong. We are ALL just victims of the roll of the cosmic dice. I certainly don't hate gays! Just because I find their sexual affinities, shall we say, "repulsive" doesn't mean I hate them as a human.

    BTW, the rabbit hole goes very deep with this one. The case made that pedophiles, homosexuals, necrophiliacs, zoophilics etc are all captives of their genetic material cannot be denied, nor should it. So the question is, which is acceptable and which is not?

  • Simon
    I think lumping a sexual orientation in with deviant / perverted behavior will anger many people and is grossly unfair. They are not equivalent things by any stretch.

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