Another anti-gay Republican Senator (in the USA) caught advertising his body

by fulltimestudent 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    My advice?

    Don't go to gay bars.

    Thanks for the advice. Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully.. LOL

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    Ohhhh, Republicans.... The Party of 'family values'!!!

    Bunch of sexually repressed men and and self-hating women.


    Right, because the Democrats are a fine example of moral conduct and excellence. Last I checked, the Republicans (yes, even some RINOS) are the only ones who still seem to remember what made America great or at least are trying to. The Dems would love to take America down the "progressive" course, which is an euphemism for socialism/communism/Marxism.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    America is great. Republicans are well invested, with their endless wars based on blatant lies which only enrich weapons/defense/oil contractors while destroying the economy and our safety here and abroad, in sinking the country further.

    Educate yourself about what anti-American filth republicans really are.

    TYT - Gooooooo!!!


  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    America is great. Republicans are well invested, with their endless wars based on blatant lies which only enrich weapons/defense/oil contractors while destroying the economy and our safety here and abroad, in sinking the country further.

    Educate yourself about what anti-American filth republicans really are.

    TYT - Gooooooo!!!

    SOFIA- I wrote you a message and only half was posted (there is a glitch in this forum) so I'll do this fast. -

    I agree with you 100% that the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) are flithy, greedy well invested in endless wars based on lies! You are right!

    GW Bush Jr was the worst president we ever had. Then Obama happened. I actually thought we would be a bit of fresh air. But he proved to be even worse. They are two clowns cut from the same cloth of corruption, scandal, greed, incompetence, lies, treason, lies and filth! If this nation was still ruled by LAW then GW Bush would have been charged with war crimes along with Dumsfeld and all the other traitorous filth. But as you see, nothing happens.

    This nation's last hope for turning this ship around was Ron Paul. But of course, the media made him look like a looney old bat who "wears dirty diapers" because he was a threat to their establishment. Listen to his speeches. THAT is a true American speaking, reminiscent of what I suppose the founding fathers would have been. But of course, we can't end lobbying. We can't pull our noses out of the middle east and other nation's affairs. We can't replace the current diabolically complex 67,000+ page tax code with something that is simple and that prevents giant corporations from paying more than 1% tax. We can't establish rule of law. There is simply too much money at risk for the establishment. There is not much you or I can do and honestly, I doubt that either candidate this time around will be able to change anything for the better.

    I'll still vote. Because now I can.

    PS- Libertarian is the closest thing to what made America great to begin with- freedom, justice and small government. Educate yourself on what the founding fathers warned us about because that is all coming true.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    America, for me and all of mine, continues to be 'Great!'


  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    America, for me and all of mine, continues to be 'Great!'


    So long as those welfare checks keep paying your bills....
    Ignorance is bliss!

  • sir82

    Any group that rants so much against other people's behavior, you can pretty much guarantee they are hiding that very thing.

    Which makes you wonder about the GB, giving their virtually endless rants against "sexual immorality".

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    Which makes you wonder about the GB, giving their virtually endless rants against "sexual immorality".

    I know of an elder who was the biggest anti-adultery proponent that you or I have ever known and loved to make comments at the WT study about it whenever he could. Turns out he was sleeping with a married sister with two kids,with the affair lasting supposedly over several years! Oh, and his own daughter caught them in the act.... oooppps!

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    I know of an elder, back in the late 80s that participated in a disfellowshipping committee while in engaging himself in the worst adultery plot ever!

    The baldy man had the odasity to even purchase the bathing suit with which his 'side honey' got baptized!!! THE GALL!!!

    Later on, his doings were discovered, got disfellowshipped for many years. Fast forward, now he is back being an elder for many years now. Now the Society uses him for special privileges abroad.

    Lord have mercy!!!


  • fulltimestudent
    Sofia Lose: I know of an elder, back in the late 80s that participated in a disfellowshipping committee while in engaging himself in the worst adultery plot ever!
    Some have amazing cheek. They are all dead now, but in Sydney, a long time congregation servant (the old,old arrangement) carried on a 20 year affair with his sister-in-law, who wouldn't leave her husband, until their kids had grown up. His wife suspected the affair and reproached him. He just laughed and said, "whose going to believe you?" The time came when the sister-in-law's kids were grown up, and the two, now middle-aged lovers, eloped, causing the biggest scandal in Sydney's long history of scandals. But within a few years they were re-instated, and a few more years, well, he's an elder.
    Allah is merciful !!!! hahahahahaha!

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