Rejoice in Mecca

by ashitaka 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Religious police told to smile

    Brian Whitaker
    Tuesday June 10, 2003
    The Guardian
    Saudia Arabia's feared religious police are being given special training to "deal effectively and pleasantly with the public", the Jeddah-based daily Arab News reported yesterday.

    About 200 members have attended the course in "communication skills" and "success strategies".

    The mutawwa - officially known as the commission for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice - enforce strict standards of behaviour. Besides ensuring that businesses close for the five daily prayers, and that women observe the dress code, they arrest unrelated men and women who are found together, and check text messages on teenagers' mobiles.

    During a school fire in Mecca in March they reportedly drove back girls who tried to escape without wearing headscarves, and prevented male rescuers from entering the building on the grounds that they would be "mixing" with the opposite sex. Fourteen girls died in the blaze.

    Yesterday Amnesty International was sceptical about the training programme. "Saudi Arabia's religious police have an appalling record of brutality and discrimination going far beyond failings with interpersonal skills," a spokesman said. "Their track record includes making violent and arbitrary arrests, subjecting women in particular to taunts and vicious beatings, and lashing out at people taken into detention.

    "This issue is not whether a law enforcement agency should be learning to be more courteous, but whether the Saudi authorities are genuinely prepared to root out the habitual human rights abuses."

  • Hamas

    People would view this post as proof that people in Saudi are living under harsh conditions.

    Yet this is just the laws of their land.

  • Aztec
    Yet this is just the laws of their land

    And I'm sure the women, in particular, of Saudi Arabia completly agree with these policies Hamas. I'm sure none of them view these as harsh conditions.


  • expatbrit

    Harsh laws create harsh conditions.


  • nilfun

    "We understood our worth as the flames consumed us."

  • Yerusalyim


    And nothing the Nazi's did was illegal either, it was the LAW OF THE LAND.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Yet this is just the laws of their land.

    Obviously not one woman participated in putting together the 'laws of their land'.

    Pathetic society.... totally pathetic.... why don't they interperate the 'laws' of Islam like the Turks do? At least the Turkish woman can escape fires because of Moslems who have common sense on their side.

  • Hamas

    Westerners are quick to criticise other countries such as those found in the middle east because of an apparent 'lack of freedom'.

    The West has it's ways, the middle east has their ways. It is grim when people start piping up about how awful these countries treat their women etc, and the lack of freedom. Who are others to state how they should run their own land? Leave them be.

  • Hamas
    And nothing the Nazi's did was illegal either, it was the LAW OF THE LAND

    The Nazi's killed thousands of innocent people, which is illegal. They invaded other countries, which is also illegal. Comparing the Nazi's with countries that uphold Islamic law is foolish.

  • Francois

    Hamas, that comparison is not foolish at all. The point is that Berlin before the war was a center of world culture and learning. All the killing that was done in those times was legal, it was indeed the law of the land, just as what has been described above in this thread is the law of the land.

    I don't know where or how in your mind you manufacture a difference. There just isn't one.

    Islam keeps its adherents immured in the 12th century (its women in the 9th) and with no hope.

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