Rejoice in Mecca

by ashitaka 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr
    During a school fire in Mecca in March they reportedly drove back girls who tried to escape without wearing headscarves, and prevented male rescuers from entering the building on the grounds that they would be "mixing" with the opposite sex. Fourteen girls died in the blaze.

    If that's the kind of behavior that makes Allah happy, then Allah can kiss my ass because he's no better than Satan. Or the JW concept of "Jehovah" for that matter. If there is a God, all I can imagine Him doing is watching stuff like that and crying because that's exactly how I feel when I think of those little girls walking back into a burning building because they didn't have their head coverings on. Their damn head coverings!

    Is it any wonder why so many Arabs are daily immigrating to America? They're trying to get away from the terrorism that Hamas, al-Quada, the Taliban, and the rest inflict on the Middle East on a daily basis.


  • nilfun

    A burqa is very useful for hiding a black eye or a sliced-off nose.

  • Aztec

    Nilfun, you're too funny!


  • nilfun

    I am?

  • Aztec

    Well, I found your statement humorous. Whether or not it was meant to be, it made me laugh. Maybe I have a warped sense of humor.

    Although I haven't a problem with Islam, I have a serious problem with the interpretation of the Koran regarding the treatment of women. It makes me ill.


  • nilfun

    Would you be able to tell if she has been disfigured or not?

    If she had been, the burqa would hide it well, don't you think?

  • Aztec

    Yes Nilfun, I agree. Not all Muslim women wear full burka's that cover all of their face. Some only have to cover their hair and some only half the face. Islam is a very strange religion.

    Okay, so I find nearly all religions ridiculous, but that's just me.


  • avishai
    Hamas have played right into Ariel Sharon's hands. They have immediately said no to any peace, which is exactly what Sharon wanted, so he could go out and kill more Palestinians.
    Sharon has played this one very sly

    Oh, so Sharon MADE them say those things. I get it. . They have no ability to speak for themselves. They did'nt really mean it.

    The real people acting like little girls are the American funded Israeli army, going out with rage to destroy Palestinians, knowing full well that the Palestinians cannot fight back. This is why they must resort to acts such as the suicide bombing we seen the other day in Jerusalem. As for the accusation that the Palestinian leaders should dismantle these organizations, to ask them to do this without their own defence army is ridiculous. Ariel Sharon has been systematically dismantling the Palestinian Defence for over the past two years, which is why he knows FULL WELL that they have no capability to irradicate these Organizations from amongst them.

    Abbas has 59,000 armed men at his beck & call. I'd say that's "capability".

    I don't agree w/ alot of what Sharon does, either. The past three israeli pres. have talked peace, while still allowing settlement in disputed territories. Sharon may or may not be too "hawkish". But, geez, hamas, you gotta try harder than this. More to come. I want figures, pal! I want facts, not rhetoric! Convince me, don't just blow up!

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