does or did anyone have this problem?

by free will 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • free will
    free will

    now that i'm 'free'. i have the option of saying happy birthday or god bless you or even singing the happy birthday song. example, my hubby (who was never a jw) is having a birthday today. now, i have no problem celebrating with him. but come this weekend when his family will be celebrating at their home i know i won't be singing the song. how do i know? because last week, we were at his mothers bday party and everyone sang the song and i just couldn't do it. not because i think it was wrong. but because i was raised not to. for 33 years i haven't and to celebrate in front of people other than my husband seems weird. any thoughts?

  • Ravyn

    it is like stage fright. do it once...make yourself and it gets easier each time. don't let it become a hangup.


  • sandy

    I think it is a little weird at first even though you don't see anything wrong with it. I felt a little uncomfortable too at first.

    I used to mumble the words at first but it did get easier. Now I am the loudest singer in the group. LOL

    It really will get easier.


  • xjw_b12

    Free Will Laughing with you, not at you.

    Wait until Christmas, never mind handing out treats at Halloween !

  • integ

    I know what you mean.......After having to defend my ( Societies) stand on birthdays for so many years, it's almost like a matter of pride. You know in your heart it's NOT WRONG to celebrate, but to actually start singing the birthday song feels like you're comprimising your beliefs, even though you don't REALLY BELIEVE it's wrong. I can "passively" enjoy a birthday party and derive joy out of it without feeling guilty. But like you said, we've been "programmed" too much. And when you've made so many stands against it, the pride thing keeps me from getting into it "too much". I don't want to see that self righteous smirk on my sisters' face either.


  • Undecided

    Doesn't bother me at all. I am finally over all that cult BS. I haven't been faced with the pledge of alligence yet, don't really like the politicians who run countries yet. I just don't trust them, so it isn't a religious thing. I don't mind bowing my head to a prayer, but I don't give it any significance as far as a God is concerned. The only thing I haven't decided on is if there is a creator or not and what was his purpose in making all this universe anyway and where do humans fit in the picture.

    Ken P.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Feel the fear and do it anyway.

  • Gopher

    I know EXACTLY how you feel.

    Fortunately my young daughter will never know the fear of singing that happy birthday song. She loves it. So I do it because she loves it.

    You have to FAKE IT like it's natural for awhile. But nobody will really notice. Just sing in tune and with a low voice. That's what I did.

  • Swan

    I do it every chance I get. I even sing along for complete strangers at restaurants!


  • free will
    free will

    thanks for all the heartfelt replies. i will certainly be thinking of all the advice this weekend. as i write this i remember the words (paraphrased?0 fear god not men.

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