Divorce is now final

by Scooby 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scooby

    Hi you guys... Just thought I'd pass on my sadness for me to heal a little.. if that's okay.

    I was in the "program" for 11 years, husband witnessed to me in college while he was inactive, we studied together, got baptized & married. Had rough times... but I loved him so much........unconditionally despite WT doctrine. Last 3 years we both started to miss meetings and question the BS. I found this website in January and went to my last meeting. I've shared all I've learned with my husband.....but he can't "process" most of it.

    I am now officially divorced The watchtower ruined my marriage. It is unfair but my husband did not want to be married to an "apostate" HIS word NOT mine. Although he is a total hypocrite, not going to any meetings, sleeping with god knows what and says he doesn't believe it is the truth completly... he would rather be with someone who knows NOTHING about the JW's. So unfair..... He's the one who witnessed to me 12 years ago.... Now he's left me because of it?!?!? Yes, of course I had scriptural grounds (who gives a rats butt though... does that make it any easier????) I do wonder if he'll fall apart emotionally one day? He won't go to therapy or read any books/websites to help him see he was raised in a cult.

    I am hurting alot.... but wanted you all to know I am recovering well from WT doctrine... Thanks to this website and many other people and literature. THANKKSSS!!

    I saw this religion destroy my husband, screw with his head and mess up his morals, personality and character. I do wonder if we would have made it... If he was never a jw. I will never know. But to all the elders who did not encourage us to go to marriage counseling and said you would "help" us and never did. My pain is on your spirit.... Good luck with that because it hurts like Hell. Study harder and Pray more.... Shove that up your theocratic skirt.

    Thanks for letting me share... Scooby



    I am so sorry to read this.

    I do not exactly what to say, but I commend you on your determination and integrity.

    It's too bad your husband (ex-husband) is still tortured by WTS doctrine and mindset.

    One day, hopefully, he'll wake up. If not, I suspect, he'll have a meltdown. Afterall, the best person who ever came into his life, is no longer his partner. If that doesn't have a profound effect upon him, then he's brain dead. (sorry for writing that).

    I wish you well Scooby. You are proof, that you can indeed, make it, and not be a Watchtower Society clone.

    Wishing you well.

  • fairy

    Whenever anything is wrong or whatever, they say, pray more or your'e not praying hard enough....it stinks


  • rebel


    I understand a little of what you're going through.

    Stay strong and keep posting - the people on here are fantastic.

    And to all who sent me PMs, sorry I haven't had a chance to reply yet - but I will. I don't come here much in case hubby creeps up behind me - I try not to rock the boat too much so I come here when he is out.

    Scobby - it is better to be on your own than with someone who makes you feel bad. My hubby makes me feel bad all the time and I am not too sure what to do. I just come here for comfort when I can - you do the same and you will feel better.

    Love to all


  • worldlygirl

    I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I've never been a JW, but my husband has gone back since we were married and my marriage is falling apart right now. It is sad to see something so wonderful disappear before your eyes at the hands of a group of people. I'm thinking of you . . . .


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It sounds like if he can't be a perfectly good JW he will be a perfectly bad one.

    And it sounds like he wanted to be free to do that.

    The divorce, while painful, will make sure you don't go down with him. Good for you for setting yourself free from his self-destruction. And you can't stop that. Only he can if and when he wants to

    Love has to be 2 ways for it to work. A marriage cannot work if only one person is doing all the caring.

    Be at peace within yourself. Life is of your choosing now. Enjoy it

  • Aztec

    Scooby, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. I'm sure it's rough and you need time to heal. Feel free to vent as much as you want. It can be very hard for someone who was raised in the borg to free themselves. Sometimes it takes something very traumatic to make them see the light. That was true in my case and in so many other's. Maybe your divorce will open your ex-husband's eyes, and maybe not. Take some comfort in the fact that you are no longer stuck in a heartless cult. Enjoy the freedom of ex-dubdom and come here and vent or chat to your heart's content.

    Rebel, I'm sorry to hear that you are going through some of this as well. If you need to chat but can't come here feel free to email me. [email protected] Take care!


  • rocketman

    Scooby, I'm sorry that you've been hurt so much. It does indeed sound like there's a great deal of hypocrisy on your ex's part. It sounds like he can't make a break from the jws despite the fact that he carries on the life he does anyway. And yes, the religion has always discouraged getting counseling from anyone but their own (usually incompetent) elders.

  • shamus


    I am sorry that this all happened. It's sick. Just another example of the horrible effects of this cult.

    Truthfully, I have no idea what you are going through. I'm just thinking of you and hope that the pain goes away soon, and you can get on with your life.

    You're better off without him. That's probably little consolation, but there you go.

  • calamityjane


    So sorry to hear of your divorce. I was hoping that wouldn't happen.

    Time to heal and get on with your life, a life your ex doesn't seem to have.

    And yes one day he will look back at what he had and lost, but it will be too late.



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