questions from readers

by peacefulpete 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    Two separate letters could not have gotten lost in mail. I suspect the nature of the topic is why we have gotten no response. Those that commented here have spoke of sex,blood and neutrality interpretations, topics they are prepared to talk about. Ours was whether the Bible is "God's word" or a book of legend and propaganda. There was no belligerence in either letter, only heartfelt pleading for answers to questions that arose after watching a TV program on the Bible and reading reference works. I must admit I am surprised to find that we are alone so far among these comments in being totally ignored by the WT.

  • caligirl

    My former brother in law wrote several letters to them regarding the blood issue. What it got him was visits from the local elders telling him to shut up or else, to never ever talk to anyone about what he had written, rumors spread around the circuit that he was starting his own religion, and accusations of actually going out and teaching his view on the matter, and finally they sold their home and moved to get away from it all.

    I read the letters, and they were actually extremely well done. I am sure though that the ones reading the letters could not miss the sarcastic comments! Knowing him as well as I did, they totally cracked me up because I could clearly picture him saying these things in person if he'd been given the chance- but I could certainly see how someone with no sense of humor would take them persoanlly! When I commented on it to him, he just said that he did the best he could to tone it down , but he couldn't HELP himself on some of the comments because what they use to back up the whole teaching is so ridiculous, it was impossible to take them seriously.

  • Loris
    What it got him was visits from the local elders telling him to shut up or else, to never ever talk to anyone about what he had written

    Me too. My letter was about the UN. Same result.


  • BeelzeDub

    In the early 1980's there was a QFR that stated that oral sex was wrong. However reading the article in context it was evident that the example they gave was that one partner wanted oral and the other objected.

    My wife wrote to the society and ask specificly if it was okay as long as both partners were willing participants and wanted to engage in this expression of love.


    After reading COC, I realized based on the comments of Ray Franz, that her letter was only one of hundreds on the same subject.

    As far as I know, oral between husband and wife, who engage in it willingly is concidered fornication by the WT and you will have your priviliges removed, and DF if you openly advertise that you do this.

  • Noumenon

    I wrote to the Society once querying a cross-reference to some scriptures which didn't seem to line-up (a trifling thing really), and got a satisfactory reply.

    I also wrote in the late 1990's trying to get clarification on the 'new light' on the 'this generation will by no means pass away', and was ignored. I guess they were inundated with letters about this.

    Needless to say I still don't accept this 'new light'.

  • Mr Magoo
    Mr Magoo


    To Peacefulpete - what program was that? I've just read "Who Wrote the Bible" by Richard Elliott Friedman and found it very interesting.

    Take care

    Mr. Magoo

  • peacefulpete

    I don't remember the name, some discovery channel thing that spoke about Christianity as a natural product of the Hellemic jewish first/second century mind. (mythology,mystery cults, philosophy,messianism) Ironically another person asked me about it at a convention (next day) and I put on the JW cloak and insisted that the program was wrong. It haunted me tho.

  • Sirona


    I bet they didn't want to post MY questions in the "questions from readers" bit!! LOL

    My letter to them linked in this thread and the society's response:


  • NeonMadman

    I have to say that every time over the years that I wrote to the WTS with a question (and there were several), I got a response. In fact, I posted copies of them here a while back under the series title "The Watchtower Letters." Since then, I've deactivated my strike9 account, so they are no longer available on the forum, but I have a zip file of all of them if anybody wants to contact me privately.

  • uriah

    From what I have read in CoC, the GB often said ''...lets put a QFR in about this'. As I assumed it is just another means of getting the message across or the 'adjustments' of new light. You may remember elders and the like saying '...Ah yes there was a QFR about that and it clarified this or that'. By this means they can change tack without making a big thing of it in a WT main article, thereby avoiding the type of fall-out like from the generation debacle. It is all spin.

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