What's The Worst "Encouragement" That You've Recieved From The Brothers?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    WOW, Bibbity, Those people really sucked at giving you "encouragement".......

  • Bibbitybobbityboo
    WOW, Bibbity, Those people really sucked at giving you "encouragement"

    LOL! Well, they were great at encouraging me to leave the borg!!

    I think it just comes down to the fact that most JW's just don't know how to love & encourage like Jesus taught. The GB beats it out of them. I remember feeling guilty for helping an elderly sister with her housework because she wasn't coming to the meetings regularly. Someone told me that if I really wanted to help her I should 'encourage' her to come to the meetings - then help her around the house if she comes. Emotional blackmail. JW's are masters at that.

    Here's an example of good old JW Christian love - I stopped by a garage sale being given by a pioneer relative of mine and an elder / so- called anointed brother. A tiny, old lady came and bought a large basket. Too large for her to carry comfortably. She was struggling to carry it home, kept dropping it. My relative and the brother were giggling watching her struggle. I walked away from the two of them and offered to carry the basket home for her. She was so grateful that tears came to her eyes. When we got to her tiny apartment she made me stay for some tea and conversation. Poor thing was so lonely. Here from another country and her only relative had died recently. When I finally made it back to the garage sale I got a guilty cold shoulder. My relative told me that she actually didn't mean to sell that basket and was hoping that the old lady would give up and give it back. Nice. And honestly, these were the 'pillars' of the congregation.

  • Hamas

    One brother said to me:

    'If you don't change your ways i'm going to be picking your bones up at Armageddon !'

    I replied:

    'Threaten me again and I will be picking yours up BEFORE Armageddon!'
  • Gopher

    Bibbitty -- wow you found out that JW's are really rotten to the core!! Geez what mean-spirited folks.

    Hamas -- LOL at your response. If you really picked up any elder's bones, likely you'd find the backbone to be missing.

  • minimus

    Hamas, you sure sound a tad violent......But whatever YOU say.....

  • Mecurious?

    The worst advice that was ever given to me was from an elder who was an architect admonishing me not to go back to college. Needless to say I deiced to wait. However years later when I changed congregations I found out that his son had just graduated and became an architect. Talk about hypocrisy! But just three weeks ago I heard that this elder had been forced to step down.(The person who told me about it refused to discuss the details) When I think about it I wont to vomit and I mean vomit on him!


  • minimus

    An architect can build Kingdom Halls and Bethel homes. That is a noble reaso to go to college.

  • shamus

    These stories are just horrible. I hate those people, HATE THEM. They never care, and never THINK... they're just so selfish.

    Judgmental hypocrites.

  • Pleasuredome

    ref WTS secret police: "go inside, sit down and forget about it"

    what an arsehole

  • minimus

    "and forget about it because you don't have 2 witnesses and if you keep talking about it, you're gonna be charged with slander."

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