Does anybody know what this is

by toddy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • riz

    cockchafer. *giggle* I pity the entomologist who studied and named that one.

  • mattnoel

    hat looks disgusting but what frightened me most was the fact that it was on a "BRITISH" postage paid envelopes which means that down here in Sunny Kent I could have the exact same thing fly through my window !!!!

  • Dansk

    Hi Toddy,

    Definitely a cockchafer beetle. It's one of our (Great Britain) largest beetles and is harmless. Look at the antennae. A male has seven divisions and a female has six. I hope you let it go.


  • Hamas

    Send it to Phil Tuffnel, I hear he likes eating that kind of stuff .

  • toddy


    Let it go this morning

    Quite surprised when it flew in,looks exotic compared to the usual insects we get in this part of the world..

  • shera

    These are my worst nitemares during my summer alt June beetle(or as we call it a june bug)

    I hate those beetles with the passion,they fly in packs and smack into your windows as soon as they see light.The next day you walk out side your door they are dead on your walkway,and you hear CRUNCH! GAAAH!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I remember one time as a kid I was walking along the street with my mother. The sidewalk was wide probably about 10 feet wide from the store front to the curb. We past a store that had yellow lights in the window which must have attracted the June bugs. The sidewalk was so covered with these bugs we could not put our foot in front of the store and had to go around onto the street. It was so gross. Don't think I have ever in my life seen so many bugs in one spot.

    Hates them too with a passion

  • shera


  • Reborn2002

    You think THAT is bad? Live in Florida. Here in the tropical region we get HUGE bugs.

    I noticed in the picture of the bug posted that it was small enough to fit in two fingers. I am a grown man standing over 6ft in height and 200 lbs.... imagine seeing a bug larger than the size of my entire fist! That can fly!

    The palmetto bug. The water beetle. Scientific name Coleoptera elateridae. These are infamous in Florida.

    HUGE insects. How would you like to wake up to find this crawling on the wall in your bathroom? (actually happened to me) Remember, they can be several inches long and wide and can fly!


  • shera

    I know,our little bugs here in nova scotia are small compared to other bugs in the world.I don't think I wanna see,imagine what that beetle would do to me.A june bug the size of a mans thankyou. I'd be doing the heebeegebee,dance.

    Another thing about the june bug is they are just gross looking.

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