Called on a DF'd person today.

by kairos 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Simon

    I can't imagine such a sad life as someone who is ejected from a high control group such as the JW's but still believes it is "the truth". Very sad, bordering on unimaginable.

    One reason it's important to educate yourself about their real history and teachings, all the flip-flops and cover-ups etc... so you don't live a life of despair worrying that it may be true and Jehovah is gunning for you.

  • flipper
    KAIROS- The reason this DFed person acted the way she does is because she is STILL mind controlled by the WT think tank and organization. I've seen this in many DFed people before where they still ACT as if they are a JW who has been shamed by their alleged " sinful " conduct and try to work their way back to reinstatement because IT'S ALL THEY KNOW. Your point about them NOT doing the research is part of the problem- but the other half of that problem or equation is that they STILL feel that God is running the WT organization and the GB is infallible. So as long as they THINK the WT Society is " God approved " their minds are still controlled by the rabid WT indoctrination. It's a vicious cycle. Steve Hassan's books talk about this situation as well. Anyway- the extreme mind control is a HUGE factor
  • kairos

    Seeing these people is a real eye opener.

    We were all like them as well to varying degrees, but mind control was the active ingredient, yes.

    I could imagine seeing myself using the same old tired arguments and circular reasoning just 3-4 short years ago. That's the bigger revelation hear, past self examine.

  • sparrowdown

    Yep, I had a DF person tell me to stop talking to them as it would look bad for them if someone saw us.

    It was at the mall and I didn't even realize the person was DF.

  • Gorbatchov

    How sad! And what a awfull system is the believe. 

    It's all procedural and not human.

  • joe134cd
    I honestly believe that direct apostasy never works. There has to be some external event that causes them look at other material. And until they can get to that point then you are wasting your time. It's a bit like an abusive alcoholic husband and how the wife is always trying to justify his behaviour.  It's not until she gets to the point that she sees it for what it is, that she will move on. But I commend you for giving it a go.
  • happy@last
    I too have made contact with a few exJWs, who have no intention of going back, but they have all said they believe the JWs have it right and it is just not for them. It wasn't until we spoke further and I was able to show them they don't have it right that they realise their gut instinct was maybe correct and it is a bit of a relief to them
  • Honesty

    I know a woman like that.

    She was disfellowshiped for leaving her elder husband and moving in with a 'worldly' man.

    i asked her if she still believed Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth and after she said, "yes!" she refused to discuss anything critical of the Watchtower Society and called me an apostate.

  • steve2

    It's sad but very easy to understand:

    When "the truth" is all you know and you "fall" into "sin", you kid yourself - and others - that, underneath it all, you are a far worthier individual in Jehovah's eyes by shunning those who have deliberately and willfully repudiated the truth. A brother or sister disfellowshipped for immorality can say in earnest, either to Jehovah or the elders, "See! I am not like an apostate!" And say it without trace of blushing.

    And, let's face it, for untold numbers of people, the JW message has "saved" them from an even worse lifestyle. All their personal experiences indcates that, once they get their act back together, they will go back. It's called having your cake and eating it too. Some in fact do go back (the revolving door syndrome),, others keep kidding themselves they will go back whilst continuing to abhor deliberately criticizing Jehovah's organization. These individuals are kind of pathetic, never quite in nor out of the organization.

  • Oubliette

    How could you be out and not research the JW's on the internet? It's not like they'll DF you again.

    Your question illustrates the difference between being physically out and mentally out.

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