
by NICKITA 39 Replies latest jw friends


    It seems that many who post on this board hold that the JW organization is a fraud, schemed mainly bu the G.B. members. But so far I have never read something as to the reasons behind the fraud. Something making real sense, I mean.
    Given that deceptions are always schemed in order to gain some advantage (usually financial) out of them, can someone please explain what do G.B. members eventually gain out of this alleged "fraud"? They spend all their life working at the headquarters, getting the same monthly allowance all other Bethelites do. Where's the gain? Sheer "power"? Hard to believe, since men have always sought power for the prominence it grants and the material gain it makes possible to get. It doesn't look like G.B. members have been very good at it, after all.
    Any idea?


  • messenger

    your innocence is so refreshing, those poor gb members slaving away to get the work done. one area you mention is a large part of why they do what they do, the power, power over the lives of six million people, power over a multi-billion dollar corporation, secondly money and a lot of it. when gb goes on their little visits what do you think they get stuffed into their pockets? checks made out to them personally. they collect thousands of dollars every year and it goes into personal accounts. not to mention free travel to the finest hotels and resorts around the world. when they arrive, the are treated like movie stars by the adoring JW's enmass. a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. let's see, power, money, fame, and being treated like God on earth why would anyone commit fraud for a package like that????

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    well said messenger,

    my own take on it aside from what you already posted is much darker,
    they are involved in a massive mind control scam draining the energy from their drones
    similar to the techniques that hitler used minus the violence,

    hitler was a black magician among other things, and similar techiniques of mind control are used by the WT this may sound way ridiculous to some but those that know the arts know what i mean
    it is of no coincidence that rusell was a free mason or that oujia boards were used in bethel at one time, though things may apparently have changed these are the roots of the borg,
    and the fruit does not fall far fom the tree
    ever notice that glazed look over the eyes of the drones?



    As to the "money" thing: do they really get thousands of dollars into personal accounts? And then what do they use the money for? Buying homes to live in once they retire? They live and die in their Bethel rooms anyway. Or are they perhaps planning to hand over their riches to their children?
    As to the "prominence" thing: I have seen G.B. members several times at conventions and met some fo them at the H.Q. and I never felt as if they were seeking glory for themselves. Rather, I've seen them shying away when brothers in their enthusiasm have gone "beyond", treating them as celebrities.
    Moreover, where else have you seen somebody seeking glory and power for himself who wakes up with the "working class", sits at the same tables with them and shares the same food? And does himself what requires the deceived ones to do (preaching, meeting attendance and so forth)?
    About the "travel" and "resort" thing: I find it hard to believe that the G.B. built this whole thing for the sake of taking a few trips a year at someone else's expenses. I figure out there must be several easier ways to get the same result (and have more fun) without messing so much.
    Still have to hear something that makes sense.

  • Moxy

    i think this is an excellent question nickita and i dont think desire for fame and fortune or what have you enters into it. control may certainly be a part of it but not in the way we would normally think of it as in politics or the military. but at the heart of the question you pose is not the question of motive but rather the question of sincerity. do they really believe they are who they say they are and they are doing the lord's work? and i believe yes, definitely they do. i dont believe that an absolute fraud could be sustained this long, whatever the motivation. i also would not attribute some kind of terrible master plan to the GB or any deviousness at all really. i would say they are misguided and not too bright at times. they are just people like any other people. or more correctly, they are just zealots like any other zealots, of which there are many. the power aspect of it therefore is not a material power but a religious power, and part of that is a martyr complex. anyways i wont go into the psychology of it, not being very well versed on the subject and knowing that many others have already explained it much better. when people paint the GB as a money-hungry, fraudulent lying bunch, im sorry to say that i think they have a bit of a martyr complex themselves. solely my opinion.


  • expatbrit

    I'd agree with Moxy. The current GB are products of the cult, immersed in it's brainwashing for decades. No doubt they really do believe they are God's channel on Earth.

    It's a delusion. But the forces maintaining the delusion in their minds are the hunger for power and riches, like any other deluded megalomaniacs.

    They control people, and this makes them feel good. But they see nothing wrong in this, since it is "God's Organization" they are at the helm of, so therefore it must be the correct thing to do.

    They amass huge fortunes in "God's Organization", which they have effective control over. But it's God's money, that they happen to be in charge of, so that's OK too.

    The delusion is to warp their base motivations into the divine purpose. That's why you don't see them craving attention. True power is silent and invisible. They know this: often they will impute it to Satan, how he has fooled the world into not believing in his existence so that he can manipulate them all the easier. They cannot quite go that far, yet the more out of the spotlight they stay, the less critical attention focused upon them, the easier it is for them to ensnare yet more people.

    Their supposed humility shows that they know the mechanisms of wielding power over others all too well.

    As for money, they have effective control of billions. All of their living and travelling expenses are paid for. That adds up to a considerable amount in hidden benefits above the monthly allowance.

    Just my opinion, of course.


  • slipnslidemaster


    I have often wondered exactly where all the money goes too. I haven't had a satisfactory answer yet but do consider that they can travel anywhere in the world at anytime and they have 100% healthcare coverage.

    The Western Education Center (whatever it's called) located in Hawaii of all places makes me wonder sometimes though.

    Rutherford built Beth Sarim for the Prince's return, however he lived there for much of his later life. I'm sure that there are places like that located all over the globe now. I just read a post here today about brothers that were removed from positions of power inside the branchs that were set out to pasture in apartments furnished by the Society.

    Finally, it's my understanding that the longer you've been at Bethel, the bigger your room gets. If these brothers are on the GB and have been there for 70 years, how big exactly are their ROOMS?

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • Moxy

    martyr complex:

    one GB member (i think was swingle) would pray every night in his room kneeling depsite the fact that he could no longer stand up from a kneeling position on his own power. he needed 2 brothers to come in and help him get back up every night. the brothers would ask why he kneeled to pray if he couldnt get up, to which he would reply, "that's why jehovah gave us knees."

    it doesnt count if you arent suffering. air-tight logic too i might add.


  • expatbrit
    "that's why jehovah gave us knees."

    The bending the legs thing is just an unexpected side benefit, then?


  • Moxy

    lol expat, precisely


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