In Your Opinion, What Is The Purpose Of This Board?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    I guess it comes down to understanding that we all make mistakes. No place on earth will ever be perfect. Goodness, even the Borg doesn't claim its "spiritual paradise" is perfect! It seems to me that at times posters are expecting Simon's board to achieve what no other place on earth has yet achieved: perfection. But we can all play our part. I know I would dearly love to bring the light of the truth about "The Troof" to still others. That was our motivation in assisting the "Sunday" TV program and other areas that we're involved with. All of us have a great opportunity to help and in answer to Mini's initial question, this is what I see as part of the "purpose" of this board.

    Cheers, Ozzie.

  • Englishman
    So Ozzie, what should be done to prevent this stuff from happening? I'll give ya a hint. Have everyone play by the same rules. Then enforce them, less out of emotion and more out of principle. The board can be the best when we get less petty and argumentative. However, there's a fairness issue that always comes up and shouldn't be ignored. And if some personally decide to ignore certain troublemakers because they feel that's what's best----GREAT! But if others respond to nasty comments that are directed to them then they, if they are going to be censured, should have the same punishment as the instigator. It's like having the bully of the block taunt you and slapping you around for the longest time and then you give him a taste of his own medicine. Then YOU get the blame for retaliating. Sure, retaliation isn't Christian, but who's trying to be here


    I really try to do that. I think that I succeed mostly. God knows, Farkel, Valis and Francoise have had so many of their posts edited by me that I would expect them to really be peed off with me. However, I have so much respect for those guys that I would be devastated if they took serious umbridge. Know what? They are amongst my most favourite posters, but I still delete 'em when they're bad!

    About the locking thread thing. I very rarely lock a thread now. I try to get the person concerned to change anything offensive or at least apologise or make up. Also, threads get locked by Simon generally because he sees a situation plummeting out of control and people being hurt. It has little to do with the subject matter being approved of or not that causes the locking generally, rather it is usually the fact of the antagonism within the post that causes a thread to be locked.


  • minimus

    Thank you OZ and Eman for your thoughtful posts. Sometimes when a post is made it can become a hot topic. Hot topics usually bring out different opinions. I think that as long as we show respect to one another and not resort to childish games all the time, there's no reason to shut down a topic, especially if itself, it is not wrong to discuss.. You moderators have my respect, as Simon does. It's not an easy job. At times though, a warning or email could be appreciated to express why something may be considered a possible locked thread.....thanks again.

  • jgnat

    Why do I come to this board? At the beginning, it was a life-saver. Though I am a never-JW, my brush with the society left me bursting with unexpressed thoughts. There is no outlet for dissention in the WT world. Especially for women. When I started posting, it was as if a huge dam had burst, and all these thoughts and feelings came gushing out. It was a marvellous release.

    It was also wonderful to have my misgivings confirmed. The elements that are so fundamentally wrong with the society are summarized and laid bare here. The aims of the society are clear. Nothing is to get in the way of the all-important publishing work. Nothing. No children's program, charity for the poor, help for the discouraged or Seniors Home can get in the way of the all-important publishing work. Children's program? Have them read the Awake! The poor? The "spiritual food" in the WT magazine is far "superior" to any food handout. Discouraged? Study, meeting attendance and field service is the answer. Senior? You can now mark your time in fifteen minute increments.

    My honey is now thoroughly annoyed that I can rightly answer all insightful questions posed by the WTS with the same answer. "Push more magazines, dear!"

    Why do I stay on the board? Besides the great friendships, to stay I have to feel that I am making a difference. I do believe that there are many witnesses, sitting on the fence, who lurk here. I would hope that some of my comments help them think, and possibly make the leap to freedom.

  • Jayson

    Hey Min,

    Maybe you and a couple a friends (Eng and Si maybe) could form a group for those who step out of line and decide if they have broken the laws of JWD and if they did then you could shut down their account for no less than one year. And then inform the group here that if anyone so much as speaks about them will be deleted too.

  • searchfothetruth

    It's getting a bit of a joke talking about deleting people off the forum because of their opinions.

    Do you mean dis-fellowship them?

    I thought this forum was for people to express their OPINIONS and for others to respond.

    The rules are there to stop people attacking others, not to stop people expressing there opinion or thoughts on a matter.

    Who decides? If someone has a view that you totally object too, would you call for them to be deleted?

    I've posted some threads recently on topics such as the war etc and have enjoyed ALL the posts for and against, but would I be expelled off the forum if someone complained to Simon because my views differed from someone else.

    We ALL disagree with the watchtowers control over peoples thoughts, the last thing we want is for JWD to become a place were we are scared to air our thought's in case we are dis-fellowshipped from the site.

    If we want to post controversial threads then they should be in the Adult and Heated debate room. Thats what it is there for.

    If you don't agree with someone then tell them. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, surely.

  • obiwan

    Just for that Jayson, I'm shunning you.

  • Jayson

    It's getting a bit of a joke talking about deleting people off the forum because of their opinions.

    Do you mean dis-fellowship them?

    I thought this forum was for people to express their OPINIONS and for others to respond.

    The rules are there to stop people attacking others, not to stop people expressing there opinion or thoughts on a matter.

    Who decides? If someone has a view that you totally object too, would you call for them to be deleted?

    I've posted some threads recently on topics such as the war etc and have enjoyed ALL the posts for and against, but would I be expelled off the forum if someone complained to Simon because my views differed from someone else.

    We ALL disagree with the watchtowers control over peoples thoughts, the last thing we want is for JWD to become a place were we are scared to air our thought's in case we are dis-fellowshipped from the site.

    If we want to post controversial threads then they should be in the Adult and Heated debate room. Thats what it is there for.

    If you don't agree with someone then tell them. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, surely.

    I agree with you 100% Mark FYI. I think Min is thinking "old school" and totally disagree with him. But it seems that those with power and control here are starting to think like him. (just making that point with the post) Old traits are resurging it seems. Rather shallow again Mini IMO.

  • ThiChi

    To explore strange, new boldly go where no Dub has gone before....."

  • Valis
    I think that I succeed mostly. God knows, Farkel, Valis and Francoise have had so many of their posts edited by me that I would expect them to really be peed off with me.

    *LOL* Eman...I don't think there have been any instances where I complained when a comment I made or thread was locked...I guess I say exactly what I mean a bit too often..*LOL* I don't mince words and for the most part I sound in person just like I do on the board....Do I break the rules? Yep. Do I retract, edit myself when necessary, and get edited where necessary? Yep...At least you know when I need to be edited...but for some it takes a bit more than one word to notice exactly what they are doing, whether it be stir the pot, or bait people, or be ugly to people in an off handed way...something I think is much more important to be watchfull for...I guess I've been around this board for a while, and I stay here because so many of you are my friends and would welcome you into my home any day of the week. Lots of facets to be had and lots of good things for people to experience..but for a singular purpose...nope..don't think there is one..


    District Overbeer

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