Women in JW Ministry

by NotFormer 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jhine

    I realise that l cannot understand the mindset of publishers having never been one and perhaps shouldn't be quite so condescending about these things .

    For people who have escaped the Org it must be very traumatic to realise the grip that the Watchtower had over their lives.

    It's just that these things are so alien to me that it's nigh on impossible for me to understand how clever the manipulation is .

    Jan from Tam

  • ThomasMore

    DOYKL - I don’t think WTC was that long left, given what I am seeing. I could be wrong - but I don’t think I am.

  • ThomasMore


    As I understand it, the hierarchy is:

    baptized brothers

    baptized sisters

    unbaptized brothers

    unbaptized sisters

    potty trained children

    babies in diapers

    service dogs

    plain dogs


    tony morris

  • NotFormer

    It's nice to know that my cats 🐈 outrank Tony Morris, but they don't attend Kingdom Hall meetings, so they may not be in this hierarchy.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    You could be right about the WTC has "not long left"

    But the Borg cult has proven to be tenacious. Like most cults.

    Somehow reinvent itself. The Borg will exploit these terrorist events and pandemics.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I’m sure at some point it will have to come and then they’ll claim how it’s always been that way and it was actually the sisters are to blame for never stepping up between 1850 and 2025.

  • Diogenesister

    ThomasMooreI think you need to insert Jesus somewhere between baptised Brothers and Toni Morris but I'm not quite sure where?🤔🤔🤔

  • Diogenesister

    Jan from Tam because they think they are literally doing it for God. As if God himself had asked you.

  • TonusOH

    NotFormer: my cats [...] don't attend Kingdom Hall meetings

    You... you haven't encouraged them?

  • NotFormer

    Anony Mous, that's how they'll frame it, isn't it! They can't just have new light and tell the sisters that they are being rewarded for their perseverance and faithfulness by being given the opportunity to serve as the times get darker (falling membership). They can't announce anything without it being somewhere between an insult and a threat. So you're right, it'll be spun as something that was always available to the sisters and that it was their reluctance to step up for Jehovah that has caused this announcement to be made.

    Beth Sarim, unless the financial situation with the CSA payouts is much more dire than we believe, the WT will be around in some form for some time to come. But it will never return to its glory days. I wonder how the current GB feel about watching it all slowly crumble away.

    Diogenesister, it must take some serious thought manipulation to get to the point that such tasks are handed down by God himself!

    TonusOH: "NotFormer: my cats [...] don't attend Kingdom Hall meetings

    You... you haven't encouraged them?"

    No, they'll probably be given "the privilege" of cleaning out the Kingdom Hall litter trays! 😱

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