New brochure Make Disciples was it worth the suspense?

by Tahoe 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • careful

    So many bros out-of-uniform. Casual dress; the bro just right of center even has a goatee. One is a cop or security guard? One sister, upper left, with a pretty low neckline. Are they lightening up?

  • Caminante

    No they are not lightening up. I believe that the idea of the cover picture is about the diversity of people in the territory to whom the publishers are preaching.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    If anything the Borg will tighten the leg irons on the rank and file.

  • NotFormer

    "If anything the Borg will tighten the leg irons on the rank and file."

    That's always the kneejerk reaction to a problem under authoritarian regimes. "It's not working? Here's more of the same!"

  • Listener

    They are beating the domestics, telling them to get more followers. It's the current theme that they are really ramping up now.

    The monthly broadcast is out and Cooke is presenting it. They are going on a campaign with a stronger message, not the hailstone one but a firm message. It sounds like it's going to be as hard hitting as the one they did in Quebec in the 1940s. It's going to incite fear (possibly of authorities but any fear will do) and courage into the followers.

    The next step is the Annual General meeting which is supposed to be this Saturday.

  • NotFormer

    Carminante: "No they are not lightening up. I believe that the idea of the cover picture is about the diversity of people in the territory to whom the publishers are preaching."

    If that's the"before" picture, what does the "after" picture look like? 🤔

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