Watchtower's Illogical Teachings

by Vanderhoven7 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Just writing down some notes to share with JWs when I meet them. Here are a few of the problems of logic I see in their doctrines. Perhaps you can add to them.

    1. systemic contradictions – jws boast about fighting for religious freedom – that is their freedom to share their differing views with people outside the organization - yet there is no freedom amongst members to disagree with any official teaching within the organization without the threat of losing friends and family

    2. illogical blood policies – While plasma is banned, all of it's ingredients are on the acceptable list; white blood cells are banned yet millions passed through mother's breast milk to her JW baby. Twelve times the number of white blood cells exist in organs than in the blood stream, yet WTS allows organ transplants

    3. Jws say that there were less than 150,000 faithful Christians that ever existed prior to the 20th century. Yet there were allegedly 7 million Christians who were martyred in the first 3 centuries of the common era alone. It doesn't make sense.

      4.The WT organization associates the UN with the beast of Revelation, yet joined the UN for ten years as an NGO as they say to get a library card.

      5. Jws believe it is wrong to take oaths of allegiance in support of their country and its political values yet their leaders do sign oaths of allegiance to get their passports.

  • prologos

    Jws say that there were less than 150,000 faithful Christians that ever existed

    and Rev 20 says you have to be martyred in order to rule with Christ, yet the majority of the wt anointed remnant died and expect to die a peaceful comfi death.

    to wt it is more important to believe in the overlapping generation, than to be among the millions that fulfilled the heavenly requirement by paying the ultimate price. nice!

  • nicolaou

    Christians of ALL persuasions should be very wary of using logic to dismantle another's beliefs. Do you think your beliefs could withstand logical scrutiny Vanderhoven?

  • Carol1111

    They come to my door and try to dismantle mine. I look on it as a debate rather than an attack.

  • dothemath

    The logic of so few Christians being of the anointed in the 1st century is ludicrous, and that's something I try to bring up occasionally in a tactful way.

    I guess I would add the adhering to the Genesis account as a major flaw.

    One more is that instead of reading scriptures objectively, they're now adjusting everything to fit pre-conceived notions, like over-lapping generations.

  • scratchme1010

    Just writing down some notes to share with JWs when I meet them. Here are a few of the problems of logic I see in their doctrines. Perhaps you can add to them.

    The problems that I see when I talk to JWs are related to things that go beyond any logic or reason. Reasoning from a logical standpoint is not going to do much to brainwashed, indoctrinated people. The feelings that you get when you talk about them is what makes the hold on to their ridiculous believes.

    In terms of doctrine I can add pretty much every single one of them since they are based on arbitrary interpretations of the bible. That alone dismisses any possible logic in anything they believe.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Yes, then we could add

    6. How could the 1914 generation logically be the the generation that does not pass away when the youngest of that generation are 103 or older today?

  • Carol1111

    They come to my door and say they have the truth but later on change their doctrine.

    If it was the truth the first time round, why change?

    It would be better to find the truth first and then tell me.

  • slimboyfat
    Yet there were allegedly 7 million Christians who were martyred in the first 3 centuries of the common era alone

    Where do you get that figure? I didn't think there were that many Christians in the first three centuries. And there is not so much evidence that large numbers were martyred.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The Daniel prophecy.

    2,520 lunar years magically become 2,520 solar years to reach the magic year of 1914.

    Not mathematics but math-magic!

    just saying!

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