Pursue Peace Assembly 2022 .. Joseph shares stories about his Bible days

by RULES & REGULATIONS 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • enoughisenough

    This is all just speculation on top of speculation. Trying to make themselves look as if they have a pipeline to the divine.

    So much of what JW teaches is just speculation. I remember in a WT study about Ruth, there was a paragraph on how hurt Ruth must have felt when Naomi said she came back with nothing. That was pure speculation. It brought out several WT comments-more speculation-a waste of time studying and commenting on how a person felt when it wasn't important enough to have be recorded. My thought was Ruth would be in agreement that she came back with nothing...

  • iloowy.goowy

    SPECULA is the Latin word for a watchtower, just saying.

  • BluesBrother

    O K , I have just had to sit through an hour and three-quarters of this in order to get this from the horses mouth.

    It is a running set of videos through the morning program. It is cunningly done so you think at first this is a modern day family meal. Later they introduce scenes of them having been in jail . In the very last scene they make it plain . It is in the New World and Joseph is one of them … They bombard him with questions.

    Now, either the audience is not supposed to take these videos too literally, or they think the audience are pretty stupid…….

  • punkofnice
    BB Now, either the audience is not supposed to take these videos too literally, or they think the audience are pretty stupid…….

    Or they think they're really clever.

    that you had to sit through that puerile garbage.....you have my sympathy.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Here is the clip (without watching the whole morning program)


  • Mum

    So, in Paradise, people will be working in restaurants? Will they eat from china or banana leaves? Will there be dishwashers (the people, not the machines), too? What a "reward" for a life of faithfulness - being a dishwasher, server, or other drone working in a Paradise restaurant serving vegetables to "the living dead."

  • ThomasMore

    Fantasy film making at it's best. Surely no one with a clear sense of reality would buy into this form of dishonest teaching.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    They used to say there would be convention interviews or talks. I winder if there will be a artfully scripted made up story? Or bloviating like now?

    I can see it now: a million standing in the sun with repeaters passing the words back. Will we have leftover binoculars?

  • blondie


  • Lightgrowsbrighter

    Joseph's English is good, although I do hear a slight Egyptian accent- or is that Hebrew??

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