Did People In The "Truth" Have Better Marriages Than Those In The "World"?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I should hope not minimum... LOL!

    Geez - Bob wanted me to ..... on him last night... oh, I pray that .....

  • minimus

    Shamus, all this time I thought you were a guy! Oops!......You aren't a guy, right?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Having a lasting marriage or a better marriage are two entirely different things. I think JW's in general have lasting marriages...not necessarily better marriages. I lasted 14 years with my first husband...they were not the best 14 years of my life....but I was obedient and patient and waited on Jehovah - ha!!! I'm still waiting for Jehovah to change him into a nice person.


  • Jayson

    IMHO a lot of young JW's get married to have sex; And, that spells disaster.

  • proplog2

    One time during a very boring talk on "marriage" I decided to write down all the weddings I've been to in 50 years of being a witness. A lot of weddings. Then I went down the list and crossed out the ones that weren't together anymore. 50%

    Marriage is a crap shoot. Sometimes a crap chute.

  • Wolfgirl

    My first marriage lasted for 1 year. I kicked my husband out 1 month after our first anniversary. And I agree completely with Jayson.

  • minimus

    In my experience, it is very rare to see a divorce "in the truth". Typically, a couple will live with major problems rather than divorce. But the comment about 50% of the couples splitting up is quite interesting.

  • blondie

    Wow, minimus, that must be a special area. I have seen about 50% divorce of those who married when I was in my 20's (30 years ago). A trend that is seen now is married couples living apart without getting a divorce. The elders have tried to pressure them to get back together, but all have resisted. You would think that the men would not be used in the congregation, but they read at the book studies, carry the microphones, work at the literature and magazine counter. They aren't recognized as MS or elders, but they are given many responsibilities. The women are still allowed to auxiliary pioneer (though not regular pioneer, which is hardly different since both are announced to the congregation).


  • minimus

    There were 2 cases of that type of thing happening in 2 congregations around here. The elders believed that the wife was the major problem and she was not allowed to aux. pioneer unless she got back with her regular pioneer husband. Eventually, they reconciled only to seperate again. In the other situation, the elder husband resigned and the wife eventually ran off with some guy she met at church.

  • freedom96

    I think without question that being a witness did not mean that you had a better marriage.

    The best marriage I know of is a friend of mine who has been married for over 40 years. Still treats his wife like they are courting.

    I married a witness originally, and she was the devil in disguise. I am not joking. She is pure evil, and still is to this day. But she tries to act like she is a good little witness. I personally think the elders in her hall are too scared to do anything about it.

    Can one say that the percentage of divorces are less than out "in the world?" Sure, but statistics can be twisted around to prove any arguement.

    The fact is that there are many horrible marriages in the congregation, and I believe that if the marriage mates were honest with their feelings, many would divorce in a second. But they are scared to do so, from what the WTS does to them if they do. And the rules to re-marry are a long list.

    I would venture to say, that the rank and file witnesses have worse marriages than normal, because they are stuck in them.

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