The Governing Body - Both sides of their coin

by Ron.W. 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • riblah

    Simplify your life - downsize into a tiny apartment.

    We need volunteers to accommodate CO - a detached mother-in-law suite would be ideal.

  • NotFormer

    Huh! I didn't realise I had even been downvoted. I can't think why? I agree, an actual comment might help me avoid on stepping on someone's toes in future, if I've offended someone, somehow.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    It’s always been about simplifying your life, can you work one day less per week to spend more time on the min.

    Dont buy a property just rent. Don’t take that promotion just keep the simple lowest position min wage. Just enough to support yourself after all the end is just around the corner.

    But then on the other hand, we need skilled volunteers we need you to send donations. We need you to provide food and perhaps little white envelopes to those in full time service. And yes We need volunteers to accommodate CO - a detached mother-in-law suite would be ideal.

  • Ron.W.
    “Everything is proof we’re right! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!”


    Thanks - Really made me laugh - but so true!!!

  • NotFormer

    I'll repost my favourite Deep Space Nine quote in response

    Garak: Everything I've said is true

    Bashir: Even the lies?

    Garak: Especially the lies!

  • Vidiot

    I think I remember that episode.

    Wasn’t that the one where the dope gizmo in Garak’s head stopped working, he went into withdrawal, and confessed to helping a bunch of innocent kids escape his superiors?

  • NotFormer

    That has a ring to it. The trouble is that DS9 isn't streaming anywhere useful for me, so I can't check. There are short clips available on YouTube; that one is entitled, "Especially the Lies", I think. A bloke does post basically whole episodes, broken up in his playlists. I'll have to see if it is one of his playlists and watch it!

    My other favourite is Garak and Quark comparing root beer to The Federation.

  • Vidiot

    “It’s insidious…” 😁

  • Vidiot

    @ Ron.W.

    Here’s a couple more of my favourites:

    “Everything bad you hear about us is false! Even the stuff that’s true!”

    “Every idea we have is a blessing from God! Even the stuff we cribbed from Satan’s World!”

  • Ron.W.

    Good one!👍👍


    Jehovah does not directly intervene in man's events or manoeuvre the outcome of a situation.

    The building committee needed just one roll of carpet to complete a job - a nearby carpet shop had a spare roll of carpet that got the project completed ahead of time - Surely this was Jehovah's hand!!

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