Am I welcome too???...........

by JW72 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Waiting and RHW,

    I remember when you two welcomed me back in December when I was a newbie. You were old, posters that is. You are young chicks to me. Now, these newbie are just so darn sensitive. This is not the Kingdom Hall. They don't say everything just perfect. God knows we don't. Hey, the coffee shop is a little noisier, but it is still a coffee shop, with Krispy Cremes. (Yes waiting we have these in Ohio, or as they say along the Ohio river - Ohiaa)
    So, newbie's just jump in and have fun. You might want to pretend that you are mud wrestling or skinny dipping. This is not a Watchtower study.

    Hey, Waiting and RHW, I sure can use a lot of words to say "chill out" don't you think?

  • goo

    thought this was a good quote apostate posted:

    Article 19. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    courtesy of apostate - thanks apostate.


  • Prisca

    Am I welcome too???..........



    I don't see this place as being split between the newbies and the oldies. The line of definition is too blurred.

    I think waiting said it the best. Regardless what "class" we see ourselves being a part of, we are all sitting in the same coffee shop together. And there are plenty of tables for any lurkers out there who want to join us too.

  • Carmel

    Amazing that Lady Godiva and Madam 4eyes both neglected to point out that yours truely is the only exception to the red carpet treatment to newbies. Given that they do their best to make my life miserable you'd think they overdosed on valium when last posting!

    You old broads are slipping!

    Eligah, sulking that he didn't draw one insult through it all!

  • goo

    hello and welcome jw72, i hope you don't mind being welcomed by an unwelcome one. how do i know i'm unwelcome? well if you search for a recent post called "to simon" you'll find a couple of posts there where logical and janh asked simon that i be deleted from the site. when that happens to you then you know you are unwelcome. now why logical wanted me deleted i dont know because logical seems like a fairly good guy to me even though i honestly haven't spoken to him that much. as for janh well i have to admit that me expressing ideas that were at odds with "his" idea - (singular), would give him the right to overrule Article 19. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
    and have me deleted from this site.

    i dont know for sure, you would have to ask essie but maybe it was posts like those, certain posters requesting that other posters be deleted because they held differing viewpoints and expressed them, that got her thinking that people were not welcome here.

    well i hope you have a nice time here jw72 and i hope u dont mind this welcome from an unwelcome one - right now i'm just a dead man walking on this site.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome JW (can't remember the rest sorry !!
    Well said OH Great Old One's. Uh oh, I can feel the trouble coming down on my head!!

  • waiting

    To My Dear JW72

    Please feel welcomed.

    Does that sound better? This is not the real me, btw.


    I am not on a high horse, I am on a soapbox because I'm short, ok?
    I'm also a mother of 3 grown kids - thus the tone of voice you received. If you'd been in my kitchen, I'd probably pinched your arm while I was "pete's saking" it too. So considered yourself pinched and/or lucky - your choice. But you're still welcome here, along with all the others.

    To Carmel

    You ungrateful fool! Red's been hustling you to go to your cave for God knows how long - and now you're sniveling???? I don't think so, Big Boy. Now that I'm Emperor, I don't need to go to your smelly ol' cave (not that you invited me either, btw).

    TO ALL

    We used to have this charming habit of introduction for new persons. On Sunday morning, the new person was to bring Krispy Kreme Donuts in the coffee shop for the ol' uns'. Well.....there just got to be too many newbies - so we gave y'all some slack.

    Therein lies our mistake. Back to the old ways. Newbies - please be on notice that Krispy Kremes, and/or look alikes, will be expected this Sunday morning between 9 and 10 am.

    If y'all want me to make coffee - then y'all gotta bring the donuts.

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Mother talk again.

    This really is a good place - hope we can all enjoy, and learn, from each other.

    waiting, getting down off her soapbox

  • GinnyTosken


    A truck driver who wandered in and is sitting near me asked me to tell you that he thinks you're real cute. He likes a woman with spunk, he says. "I don't know nothin' about no emperor stuff," he continues, "but that woman can be the sugar in my coffee anytime."

    He says he'll bring you a whole truckload of donuts on Sunday if you think you might like to go for a long haul with him. What do you say?

    Wait a minute--a Harley rider is tugging on my sleeve. What? Oh. He says you look more like a motorcycle mama than a diesel darlin' to him.

    What shall I tell these admirers? To kiss your grits?


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    This is great stuff people!

    I love to read your bantering back and forth. My 2 sidekicks and I are like that and they would enjoy being here reading and posting too but they feel totally computer illiterate and don't have the confidence to even try right now....hopefully I'll get them here yet.

    Anyway, even though I'm a relative newbie, I have to say what an education this place is for me. I've never been at a loss for words but having been all my life in the org until just recently, my only source of knowledge and info came from the WTS extra "worldly contacts"....ZIP that's it!

    My mind is like sponge right now soaking up the great ideas and education so many of you share...I may not agree with all of them but I'm open and flexable and will think about them for awhile and then form my own opinion.

    That's the freedom I enjoy be able to think on my own and express those opinions but I won't get bent all out of shape if someone doesn't agree with me. So I just love to be here to be able to have that freedom to learn, think and speak without having to worry 'Big Brother' will slap me in chains...

    AND I know that if I express something out of line, I'll hear about it...and I'll get over it. That's the way it should be!

    Had Enough

  • Tallyman
    Hey, the coffee shop is a little noisier, but it is still a coffee shop, with Krispy Cremes.


    I just HAVE to korrect your spelling...

    They are kalled "Krispy _K_remes".

    It is a High Krime here in da South to substitute a wimpy 'C' for the more substantial 'K' in Kreme.

    Years ago, had a jW friend from Kleveland visiting, and we were driving by a Krispy Kreme, and he asked: "What's that?" ... and the "Fresh Donuts" neon sign JUST sparked on... and so I sez: "We'll show y'all."

    Now, this was a hardkore Donut-Eating Yankeeboy who had seen 'em all, tried 'em all, eaten 'em all... but when he took his FIRST bite on that steaming warm Krispy Kritter... he was gone![/b].
    An ekstatik grin grew on his face as he munched on.

    He was the equivalent of the drunk in the bar, who plopped down in the stool, and yelled out to the bartender: "Keep 'em coming!"

    His wife intervened after his FIRST DOZEN Krispy Kremes and expressed concern. She was a dedicated pioneer sister and was worried he may be called before a judicial committee for 'gluttony'.

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