What novels have you been reading recently? Recommend any?

by LoveUniHateExams 38 Replies latest social entertainment

  • bsmart


    Libraries still exist and you can even download digital for a few weeks.... They even take them back automatically. If you like older books they are often out of copyright and are download-able for free. Google is your friend!

  • LisaRose
    "The Stand" by Stephen King, but make sure you get the extended version. As an XJW you will thoroughly enjoy this book on a level that no other reader could enjoy and that even Mr King could not have anticipated.

    I had a really weird experience with that book. This was around 1980, and I caught some really bad flu that was going around and got really sick, I was so bad I had to crawl to the bathroom to throw up. It just so happened the book was laying around and I started reading it, I was too sick to watch tv, but for some reason I could read that. I really felt like I was living the book, not just the JW thing, but that I had the same symptoms as everyone in the story. I thought for sure I was going to die but I was too sick to care. It was surreal, one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I highly recommend the Dark Tower books from Stephen King, if you haven't read them already. Especially the first four in the series.

    Currently I'm on book 4 of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. Great if you're more into science fiction.

  • Tallon

    I enjoy reading Wilbur Smith novels. His first novel 'When the Lion feeds' is among my favourites. I recommend the read.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    "The Magic Strings of Frankie Pesto" by Mitch Albom.

    I'm not a fan of fiction, but it was alright.

  • Xanthippe

    I love Asimov's Foundation. Also Bicenntenial Man. I reread Second Foundation last year. What a treat.

    I've been reading the Shetland detective books by Ann Cleeves recently.

    I would recommend Solar, Saturday and Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    This is a good one.

    The God's of Eden" William Bramley.

    I would classify it more as historical fiction.

  • ttdtt

    Any Stephen King is good.

    The ENDER Series is amazing.

    Battlefield Earth is epic

    Others I have read recently...

    A Universe from Nothing - Krauss
    Origins - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
    How the universe got hte spots - Levin
    Becoming Steve Jobs
    Time of our Lives - Peggy Noonan
    One Year After - sequel to One Second After
    Edge of the Universe
    The Colony
    The Atlantis Gene
    The Troops
    The Deep
    The Martian

    Plus all time greats - good for ex jws
    Fahrenheit 451
    Brave New World
    Logan's Run

  • Londo111

    I used to be an avid reader of fantasy novels...the thicker the better. I second Robin Hobb's series...among the best fantasy there is...especially the Liveship trilogy.

    Recently I've been slowly rereading Lord of the Rings and appreciating the vast parts that have been left out of the movies, parts I've completely forgotten.

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