Cham black? Help please!

by Vivamus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • greven

    If I remember correctly one of the sun had a skin 'burned by the sun'. However that wasn't Cham. It did lead some to conclude that and to top it concluded that the negro race decents from him and is likewise cursed. My memory is a bit rusty... I will see if I can find it....hang on.....


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "This website is dedicated to the education of the Children of YHVH (pronounced "Yahweh"); the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Lombardic, Celtic peoples of the earth. The Sons and Daughters of the Most High EL who are of the House of Jacob-Israel and of the House of Judah. We plead the blood of Yahshua Messiah upon all the Soldier-Saints of the Identity movement that they may be protected in all their comings and goings, and that the spirit of obediance will be rekindled in their hearts so that they may develop and maintain an unfettered spiritual connection with the Father whose name is YHVH."

    Yeah. I think he means Jehovah. Lol

  • greven

    Genesis 9: 20-26

    Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father's nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father's nakedness. When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said,

    "Cursed be Canaan!
    The lowest of slaves
    will he be to his brothers."

    He also said,

    "Blessed be the LORD , the God of Shem!
    May Canaan be the slave of Shem.

    This text has been used to explain why negro would only be fit for slavery...

    If you want some good stuff about racism and slavery from the bible check here

    Hope this helps


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ...."The principal belief of Anglo/British Israelism is that the British (and by extension Americans, Canadians, Australians, and others) are the spiritual and literal descendants of the ancient Israelites.

    Anglo-Israelism has a long history. The Puritan colonists in America also viewed themselves as spiritual descendants of the ancient Israelites. However, it was not until 1840 that John Wilson published "Lectures on our Israelitish Origin" and first proclaimed that the British people were the actual genetic descendants of God's chosen people.

    The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) records how a schism occurred among the ancient Hebrews, separating the land into:

    bullet The Southern Kingdom of Judah which included the tribes of Benjamin and Levi, and
    bullet The Northern Kingdom of Israel which included the remaining ten tribes.

    About 721 BCE, the latter was captured by the Assyrians. According to historians and archeologists, its population was taken into captivity, and assimilated. Non-Hebrews were imported in the region and the Northern Kingdom ceased to exist. However, British Israel writers developed the belief that these "10 tribes" retained their identity, became lost to history, and wandered far from the Middle East. "......

    Viv. Here is where modern "rascism" started, with British Israelism, in the mid 1800s. Identity churches including the clan and posse comitatus are directly descended from here.Herbert Armstrongs World wide church of God had links to British Israelism and British Israelism can be unearthed in numerous charismatic churches such as the "Revival Centres International"

  • Vivamus

    Thank you, thank you, thank you

  • nightwarrior

    Hi people

    Seeing ones farthers nakedness is not enough to cause one to curse there child,

    I believe the reason that for the cursing was that the farther Noah was sexualy abused by one of the sons,

    whom was then cursed by the farther when his other sons told him what had transpired ,the evening before

    I WAS ALLSO LED TO BELEIVE THAT THE ( person cursed was from the white race ) and not the black race as many think therfore check out where the cananites settled and you may find they settled in europe.


  • Nomad Soul
    Nomad Soul

    I don't believe in the Bible, so I have to say that, different colors exist because the adaptation to the place you live.

    And I don't know why people are racist. I think every race will get their turn to rule the world. hahaha, for example,

    Blacks ruled the world in the beginning, for example (Egypt....etc..)

    and for example, now the Anglo (white skin) rule the world.

    The next up will be Yellow or Brown humans.

    I know, laugh at my theory.

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