NotFormer...according to the 1973 Service Report there were 10,523 partakers.
They Came To The Door!
by NotFormer 37 Replies latest jw friends
I'm hopelessly lost!
WT gibberish will do that to someone.
The whole mockery is just a reminder that the new testament doesn't apply to you.
I was just thinking about this thread and realised how rusty I am. I forgot to try bringing up this verse:
1 Corinthians 11:26 (NWT ) "For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes."
'If the "coming" (parousia) happened in 1914, why the heck are you still doing the memorial, anyway??'
Not that it would have stimulated any more discussion; they were already halfway out of the gate anyway.
NotFormer : 'If the "coming" (parousia) happened in 1914, why the heck are you still doing the memorial, anyway??'
The words "until he comes" (achri hou elthe) in 1 Corinthians 11:26 is not related to parousia which JWs believe referred to his presence since 1914, but to erchomai which refers to his coming to judge the people of the earth. Compare, for example, Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:9,10. There is a discussion of the coming of Christ here.
If it had been you at the door that day, Earnest, I'm sure we could have had a very interesting discussion 🦉👄🤝, if I had remembered that verse. However, it wasn't you, it was a couple who seemed nowhere near as prepared for discussion as previous generations of JWs (see further lamentations on that subject above). It's a pity; I miss the days when you could have a meaty, substantial argument, er, I mean, "animated discussion" at the door*.
As it was, I was totally unprepared myself. I saw a well dressed couple** knocking on nextdoor's door. The man was wearing a tie and had a piece of paper in his hand (which I now know to have been the memorial invitation). I thought that they were perhaps detectives or some sort of court officials, possibly serving a summons. When they headed towards our gate, I realised who they were and had to quickly struggle into a pair of pants***.
*When I'm in the right frame of mind, that is. It doesn't always happen that way. Neither time I've had JWs at the door since I moved here were ideal for me. I was fortunately in a better state of health this second time, but to no avail. That whole encounter can't have been more than two to three minutes long. That being said, I've never slammed the door 🚪 on a JW. Both of these last two times, it has been the JWs who have slammed the door 🚪 on me, figuratively speaking. They were happy to get out the gate and close it behind them.
**This was before the relaxing of the dress standards; how time flies!
***Dress standards at my house are even more relaxed than those at the Kingdom Hall****.
****This is an attempt at humour; even I know that Kingdom Hall dress standards haven't been relaxed that much! 😱
They catch you off guard when they come knocking. I like the idea of visiting them at their own house.
What used to drive me crazy with my JW relatives was that you actually had to teach them and convince them what they really believe. Then you had to teach them why that belief was wrong.
Yes, Moonmanchu, they don’t know that Jesus is not their mediator, until “apostates” tell them. Lol