How did you feel when they eliminated the Con. Book Study?

by Freeandclear 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • stephanie61092

    I remember I was so disappointed when it was done away with. Like many have already posted, it was a great time to hang out with friends and at my book study, we had goody night every week! I never minded sitting through the book study either since it was only an hour long. My family rarely ever did anything for "family worship" so it just became another night of sitting bored around the house.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I was really conflicted when they announced this. In my case it was compounded by being at a convention when they did the announcement - so you're in expectation of more "spiritual food" when they make announcements but they were telling us there'd be less.

    On the one hand I was relieved to have less meetings to deal with and a free night at home, but at the same time one of my first thoughts was "do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together as some have the custom, but encouraging one another all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." So while it was one of those things that I didn't want to argue with because it was actually beneficial to me, it went in my mental file for reasons this might not actually be "the truth."

  • RubaDub

    I was truly happified it was gone.

    By the time you get dressed, travel, sit for an hour, chit chat for 20 minutes, come back home, get undressed, etc etc etc .... the evening was gone.

    And then the Isaiah and Revelation books week after week, year after year, about stuff that will change anyway.

    Rub a Dub

  • ttdtt

    I felt like it was a mistake. It was built as SO important for all my life. I also thought it was a loss because it was a training ground for MS and Elders.

    After a few months I was SOOOO Happy to have an Extra Night to myself!!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Can anyone remember what year they stopped the CBS?

    Last group - 23rd December 2008


  • ShirleyW

    The book study started being held at my parents house when my father got baptized in the late 70's, I know the brothers could hardly wait to get that big finished basement available for meeting,since we had a lot of baby showers and gatherings at my house. I remember when they started having goody night my mother would call me and say "you should come to the meeting tonight if you want some good food, SIs, so and so is fixing this" and on and on. I just blew it off as yet another way my mother was trying to get me to attend the meetings again. How can chicken wings and cake make someone that interested to join da troof ??

  • StephaneLaliberte
    We were always told that the book study was the most important of all. That lie was one of many others that would show me the door through which I made my exit a few years later.
  • Vidiot

    I liked it fine, but didn't miss it all that much.

    Actually, now at I think about it, I think they discontinued it after I'd started to fade.

  • truthlover

    Loved it - not matter what excuse they gave, travel, gas, etc... just another night to relax

  • Jaidubdub
    Thanks George... That was when I was irregular but before I learnt TATT... I was only going to the Sunday meetings at that time. I was very disheartened with some of my personal experiences with some so-called spiritual JW's which left me feeling very hurt & rejected. It was about 3 years later I came across this site - and then everything started to fall in place...

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