Do You Think All These Organized Demonstrations Are Productive?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Yes, this is organized chaos

  • hoser

    BLM and other leftist organizations are so detached from reality it isn’t even funny.

    There is a problem with lack of grocery stores and other services in poorer neighborhoods. What do the protesters do? Burn down the businesses that are there. What do the cities do? Refuse to protect the businesses that are in poorer areas of town.

    No business in their right mind will have a store in those places and the community continues to suffer.

  • minimus

    Hoser you would be considered a racist fit thinking that way

  • Simon

    They are the KKK and the brow-shirts of old, just in new costumes.

    They can't win elections so they seek to intimidate and get their way with violence and the threat of violence.

    Good people do too little until it's too late or an escalation is necessary to correct things.

    We keep hearing about police shootings but there clearly aren't enough of them.

  • minimus

    Most normal people don’t want to invest all their time and assets to demonstrate and destroy. Normal people want to live normal lives not lives filled with anger and tears.

  • LV101

    It's beyond - I hope the trained forces are capable of dealing with it. Sad these cities are without law and order but seems to be the trend for these 'power' politicians.

  • redvip2000
    Good people do too little until it's too late or an escalation is necessary to correct things.

    This is true. There is a huge silent majority of people just observing at the moment. They haven't done anything because ... well it hasn't gotten to their neighborhoods.

    If you observe the antifa types that are rioting, they are soft weak teenagers who are bullies and don't have the grit to actually fight. They just want to take a hammer to a window.

    The huge mistake would be to start targeting suburbs where people are armed and anxious. I could well see some rioters decide they will target a neighborhood and private homes and that is where this takes a huge turn.

  • minimus

    These people elected reps in Democratic controlled towns and cities. They don’t want to stop all this destruction! If the feds try to restore order the officials threaten them with violating their freedoms. This is some sick shit.

  • RubaDub

    I just don't know why all of this stuff is occurring at the same time. Election year, anti-Trump, pollution, people out of work, no sports, anxiety, churches are closed, wearing masks, gyms closed, social distancing, etc. What is the underlying problem?

    I can't believe it is just the Gerald Ford killing thing that occurred in one city is causing such a national problem.

    It just seems weird to me that killing the one guy seems to possibly have caused a national problem. And then we have the historic monuments being pulled down.

    Do people just all of a sudden have extra time and need something to do?

  • rh3988

    Gerald Ford

    *George Floyd

    I just don't know why all of this stuff is occurring at the same time. Election year, anti-Trump, pollution, people out of work, no sports, anxiety, churches are closed, wearing masks, gyms closed, social distancing, etc. What is the underlying problem?

    Keep up with the celestial chariot goddammit...

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