although that picure is the artist idea because the bable doesnt say they were not wearing armor nor shields
Another silly Bible story....Joshua and the killing hailstones
by RULES & REGULATIONS 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I put much more emphasis on the new testament, the old testament belongs to a past covenant.Thats not what I asked, your being dismissive to the question
So then your saying you never studied other ancient civilizations and their own expressive mythological practices. ???
Did all of their said actions by their gods happen as well ?
You said so. I dont think so. What did JW class teach you about the Hebrew word olam?
Its not what I said or you said or what the JW said. Lets see what the Bible says.
My main interest is in the new testament. I do not share the belief of JWs and other adventist related groups, that the two testaments are similar in importance. These groups also sometimes refer to Evangelicals as a new testament religion and I guess I am more page with them on that. Of course I do study some ANE religion like creation myths but my main interest is the Gospel, not the old covenant. The Israel I believe in is not the old testament one or that current middle eastern rouge state, but the Church. So it is a different theological world view than the one you were taught as JW.
Well we can see that olam can not always be translated eternal. Then we can ask if they believed in the concept of eternal tme or if that came later in time? Anyway there are various scholary theories about that. It seems the new testament writers translated olam with aion and there is an interesting use of that especially in Romans 16:25
For me the Bible is an ancient collection of myths, lies and Ignorance and I dont take it seriously anymore. Hence I consider it to be a waste of time to argue anything about it.
I am perfectly fine if your beleifs make you happy
I knew your game, you naugthy apostate. Anyway this is basic stuff even CT Russell addressed. I found this interesting collection of rabbinical lexical definations on olam;
· "long duration, antiquity, futurity: a. indefinite futurity , c. prep. for ever , always (= during the lifetime ); slave for ever ; serve for ever ; redemption at any time; ever pregnant (womb); of persecutors of Jeremiah; always at ease ; may the king live always ; so of the pious; I will sing for ever (as long as I live); other emotions and activities continuous through life. b. = continuous existence , (1) of things: the earth; other phr., heavens and contents, ruined cities, ruined lands or a witness for ever , in a book; (2) of nations: Babylon, of Judah; (3) families; the dynasty of Saul; house of Eli; (4) national relations: continual enmity ; of exclusion from; various relations; perpetual reproach , of dynasty of David, families ; of God’s covenant: everlasting covenant ; covenant with Noah ; God remembers it; will not break it, e. of God’s laws; temple to bear God’s name; consecrated; its ceremonies; Levit. priesthood; Aaronic priesthood. f. of God’s promises: his word; promised dynasty of David; of holy land; given, inherited; dwelt in; other blessings; Jerus. to abide" [BDB]
· "long time, duration , usually eternal, eternity, but not in a philosophical sense"…[HALOT]
· "1. everlasting, forever, eternity, i.e. , pertaining to an unlimited duration of time, usually with a focus on the future ( Ge 3:22 ); 2. ancient, old, i.e. , existing for a long time in the relative past ( 1Sa 27:8 ; Ps 119:52 ); 3. lasting, for a duration, i.e. , an undetermined duration of time without reference to other points of time, with a focus of no anticipated end, but nevertheless may have limits ( Nu 25:13 ; Jer 18:16 )" [Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc. 1997, 2001]
I might add i dont subscribe to the idea that you have to study all sorts of things. I know some Christian apologists use that and say well I studied this and that religion. It interests me little more than a rat's ass. You study what appeals to your mind and what God leads you too. If other people care about it too, then be my guest. That is why audience relevant new testament study is my main interest
this is basic stuff even CT Russell addressed
I dont have any reverance for CTR. HE was one more guy who started another religion, with a lot of interpretations which were proven false later.
Also, nothing is eternal in this observable universe. Even the stars die after some billions of years. So the concept of eternal life is Hypothetical.