"The likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed"

by nicolaou 30 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Now guns are being promoted as not just the cure for current problems but also for all problems in the past too.

    Good old guns, is there nothing they can't fix?

  • cappytan
    I just came here to say that Beyoncé is kind of a stripper. That is all.
  • Simon

    WireRider: I deleted you party-political drivel. If you want to have a proper discussion that's fine but we're not going to just have endless BS propaganda and empty claims.

    C'mon, seriously - all the government debt is because of democrats? The last republican wars didn't cost a penny?


  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    “follow me around . . . it will be boring”

    Gary Hart, Democratic candidate for President, when confronted about rumors of womanizing. Weeks later, photo evidence emerged of womanizing, and he was out.

  • truthseeker100

    Heres an older one but a goodie for sure

    "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." Jean Chretien, Canadian Prime minister. The guy was unfluent in both official languages.

    Sometimes I get the feeling in this country it doesn't matter who you vote for!

  • nicolaou

    Ben Carson again on being asked about the latest mass shooting on a college campus in Oregon where nine died because a mentally deranged young guy had 14 guns and no girl friend.

    WWBD: What would Ben do?

    “I’m glad you asked that question, because not only would I not probably not co-operate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, ‘Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.”
  • Vidiot

    Simon - "I love how, for all the utterly insulting and bat-shit crazy that the republicans come out with, that they are actually supposedly 'trying hard' to be more appealing and welcoming to people.''

    I've long suspected that True (Right-wing) Believers really do believe that most people are - deep down - just as shitty as they are.

    Simon - "Imagine if they let their true selves come out? They just can't seem to help it ...''

    It's been my observation that decent folks can pretend to be assholes...

    ...but assholes have a much harder time pretending to be decent folks.

    Simon - "The scary thing is that these schmucks actually appeal to some people.''

    These fun-lovin' guys?

  • Greener

    To those who rail against what Carson had to say about the Jews and other anti-Hitlerite forces in Germany and guns/arms before WW2, did you all forget about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising during the war, where the Jews were armed and held off the Nazis for weeks?

    Chairman Mao, Comrade Lenin, Pol Pot, confiscated private arms and weapons, starved their own people for political purposes, the largest perpetrators of mass murder in the 20th century. This isn't blaming the victims, its just a fact of history.

    Obama and the leftists loonies on here cannot get rid of the US constitution. They hate the document and they are acting like babies because they can't get their own way. They hate that a principled and brilliant man of color, does not tow the usual democrat/socialist party line thinking about big government and political correctness. That's how open minded the left is. What a joke.

  • Fisherman
    I don't know if them being armed would have actually made a difference

    I 'm with cappy. All a government has to do is to pass a law making it a capital crime to own a gun. And even if you had a gun, you cannot fight the army or the police. They will get you.

    How about making cars illegal? More people are killed by cars than with guns and alcohol too. Tobacco should be outlawed too. Police should go into everyone's house daily and search for anything illegal, forget about privacy and civil rights, It is about public safety. People have too much freedom anyway.

  • Heartsafire

    I don't own a gun. But lately I have been thinking about buying a rifle of some sort simply for my own protection at home. I am not a large nor muscular woman, and if a man broke into my home yielding only a knife I would be pretty defenseless.

    I don't believe guns are the solution to all the problems in the US, but I don't think banning them is either.

    One of the problems with gun control is that it is merely an illusion. Only responsible gun owners would be the ones punished by gun control laws because guns are SO easy to come by illegally in the U.S. Unfortunately, I happen to know people who have dabbled in this criminal activity as they are convicted felons with violent backgrounds and have no trouble buying or trading firearms under the table so-to-speak.

    Although guns are easy to come by, ammunition is less so, and very expensive too. It probably would be easier for the government to ban the manufacturing of certain ammos and/or tax the bejeezus out of ammo that is made in effort to control it better. Just some food for thought. I'm not really persuaded any one direction for or against guns, but I definately feel like using them for protection or hunting is a-okay.

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