Sin and death - how does it make sense to ANY believer of ANY religion?

by BourneIdentity 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BourneIdentity

    Since Adam and Eve’s fall, we are all sinners. It’s what we do, there is no way to change it, sinning is a daily part of life. There are major sins, but most of us commit minor ones everyday in words, thoughts or deeds. It would be likened to a human breathing oxygen and trying to survive underwater, it won’t work. We are made to believe we should feel bad for sinning, just like we would be made to feel guilty that we don’t have gills and can’t breathe underwater.

    To any believers, you feel or know God is loving and merciful. Then why does he seek to murder something every chance he has? Prior to Christ’s sacrifice, if you messed up, he wanted you to pick your very best animal and murder it. Is that what a loving person would do? He essentially wants you to take an innocent victims life for your fuckup. Not only is God a blood thirsty killer, he’s made you into one now, and you feel it’s the right thing to do.

    Why would a person pre-Christ, have to murder animals for a sin, when it’s their nature and they are going to do it? Is it due to Jehovah being blood thirsty and needing a reason for something to be killed?

    Consider all the millions he’s murdered, Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah’s flood, the 185,000 in Assyria to list a few examples. Remember too, Jehovah is supposed to be “hands off” after Adam and Eve sinned to prove that man cannot rule on their own. Yet he still can’t help himself to be hands off, he is so blood thirsty and needs to kill, kill, kill!

    I conclude with a very important question to ask yourself? If he is so loving, if he views life as so precious, why does he want to snuff out life any chance he gets? Before you answer because we are sinners, remember we have no control of that, we were born that way. Should we be punished for breathing air?

    My rant is over. When one takes an honest look at humans and how forgiving they are of one another and loving, we have shown God how it needs to be done, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, he is hell bent on killing anyone he sees fit.

  • BourneIdentity

    Anyone else been getting duplicate postings? I was having problems posting new topics before, tried a few times. Now it seems hours later those attempts are coming through. I can’t seem to find anywhere how to delete this duplicate.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    In an attempt to answer of how to make sense of sin, the first thing is to realise that all religion is fantasy, it is not the product of evidence but of the human imagination.

    Sin is like being told you have a specific illness that only one known doctor can cure and his agents are everywhere directing your life and making demands on you to conform to his wishes. Once you believe you have sin, they (the religions) are your masters, you have lost freewill!

    "Sin entered into the world through our first parents." This is completely untrue, we were never perfect in the first place, we do not originate from two individuals but from millions of antecedents and ultimately from different species of humans, and there is no such thing as a perfect/imperfect division of life -- except in religion. So the remedy for the Genesis fable is to create another one, through the sacrifice of a 'perfect' man. It takes no deep thinking to be able to understand the attractive myth which is in religious terms, that belief in Jesus means getting rid of sin.

    The human creation story is so clearly a fable that any intelligent person can see that it's not worth believing since a large part of humanity lived before the time of the would- be Adam and Eve. Even their names Adam = man and Eve = mother of all, puts the story into the fable category because it is one of the ways of determining what a fable is; if the characters names have literal meanings relevant to the story....and not forgetting talking snakes.

    Sin must rank as the least helpful concept in developing sound reasoning and a mature response to life's problems.

  • JoenB75

    The Eden account is a brilliant way to introduce the subject of sin. Why does the good God's prime creation display so much evil? Well because they are fallen and flawed. But God has provided means by which we can be reconciliated with God, God has not deserted us but because the way back to him is not to spit in his face and be blasphemous

  • Simon
    Anyone else been getting duplicate postings? I was having problems posting new topics before, tried a few times. Now it seems hours later those attempts are coming through.

    It's because you submitted the post multiple times instead of waiting.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Sadly you may be fallen Joen but I revel in the fact that I have not inherited sin. This doesn't make me good and like everyone else who has ever lived, we all die, believers and non believers alike. The only ones who have benefitted from Jesus' death are the leaders of religious organisations and TV evangelists.

  • JoenB75

    Half banana, you are a fallen sinner by nature like the rest. You are out that horrid human family too. Your stage name implies it too. Half, not full 🤔

  • cofty
    you are a fallen sinner by nature like the rest - Joan

    I'm not a fallen sinner. There was no original perfection; therefore no fall, and the story will not end in utopia.

    The human race - that you despise - is better now than in any time in history. Our story is one of amazing progress.

  • JoenB75

    Nonsense culfty, the human race is on the path of destruction as clever people know. Improved living conditions means more overpopulation and polution, the western world will not exist in 50-100 years due to mena immigration. Your atheist world looks promising

  • cofty
    as clever people know

    Which is shorthand for 'l have no evidence at all for what I am about to say'

    We live in the greatest time in all of human history.

    A general feeling of angst is a hallmark of religiously inclined people especially cult members.

    Try reading some actual data like Stephen Pinker's 'The Better Angels of our Nature' or 'Enlightenment Now' by the same author. Also Michael Shermer's 'The Moral Arc'.

    Facts trump religious bias every time.

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