A JW explains Blood Fractions

by OrphanCrow 49 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • OrphanCrow

    I was looking around from some information on the WT's stance concerning the use of stem cells, and I came across this article on a Defending Jehovah's Witnesses blog.

    Rather than informing the reader all that much about stem cells, the author diverts the conversation into a discussion of "blood fractions" (*note: the term "blood fractions" appears to be another one of those WT bloodspeak terms coined by the WT. "Blood components" or "blood products" are the terms used more frequently by the medical world. "Fractions" implies tiny amounts)

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Stem Cells?

    Since stem cells are not blood, Witnesses leave their use up to the individuals’ conscience. Witnesses would have a problem if the stem cells were obtained by killing a fetus:

    *** g02 11/22 p. 4 Why the Controversy? ***
    *** g02 11/22 p. 9 Wisdom for Life in a Complex World ***

    The *doctrinal* position for all Christians is explicit in the Bible: We must abstain from blood just as we avoid fornication and idolatry (Ac.15:20; 21:25).

    The Bible's requirements regarding blood and what parts are acceptable for Christians is NOT complicated. We only have to ask ourselves the two questions: Is it "blood" and is it still part of my circulatory system? Christians must use explicit biblical principles as well as implied indications from God's own actions in order to determine if fractions derived from blood are included in the blood prohibition.

    The reason most JWs accept fractions is because they can morally and logically be viewed as no longer "blood." That this view is logical and scientific has been supported by several secular courts and medical experts who have legally defined "blood" as the four primary components and NOT any product below those.

    For example, Gray's Anatomy says: "Blood consists of a fluid medium called the plasma in which are suspended minute structures called the formed elements of the blood. The formed elements include (1) the red blood corpuscles (RBC), (2) the white blood cells (WBC), and (3) the platelets."-pg 727

    "Dailey's Notes on Blood" says that red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma, "are referred to as whole blood."–John E Dailey; 4th edition.

    So, "blood" is naturally and logically differentiated by its four primary components. Therefore the Witnesses' distinction is not unreasonable.

    Logically, as blood is broken down, at some point the components logically cease to be blood. If this logic was not correct then EVERY molecule which had ever been part of blood would still be considered blood and could not be ingested to eternity. Such a view would be unreasonable and completely illogical.

    We can illustrate this with someone who used blood products to fertilize their fruit trees. Now, would it be hypocritical to buy and eat the fruit just because it contains some of the molecules from the blood? That would be unreasonable and completely illogical.

    One reason most Witnesses accept blood fractions is because most of them are the product of destroying blood. The Bible's command is to destroy or "pour onto the ground" blood which has been removed from the body. In the case of most fractions the blood is essentially destroyed and will never be blood again. Therefore the Bible's mandate is carried out. Fractions are not blood when they are a product of destroying blood.

    In the case of some larger fractions such as Cryosupernatant or Cryoprecipitate where the process does not necessarily completely destroy blood and may allow reconstitution other facts are considered. Since God has allowed proteins such as found in Cryo to be transferred from the blood stream of mother to the fetus some individual JWs view this as an indication that Cryo is not included in the prohibition of blood. But, other Witnesses may refuse for various reasons such as the fact that some fractions "may be so similar to the function of the whole component and carry on such a life-sustaining role in the body."--w6/15/04; 23-24

    Because the issue is a *moral* issue involving obedience to God, Witnesses make every reasonable effort to avoid disobeying. So they follow the well known *moral* principle described as abiding by the "spirit of the Law" which is universally recognized as being logical. This principle applies a specific law to other unspecified circumstances.

    As an organization JWs have determined that the four primary components can still be viewed as "blood" on a *moral* and *representational* level. Each primary component individually can still represent basically what blood as a whole symbolizes: the life of the creature." They definitely act and function so much like blood that they must be *morally* included in the prohibition. This demarcation is not unreasonable but is supported by logic, scientific, medical, and legal definitions. More importantly their view keeps them *morally* clean in God's sight.

    Because the Scriptures are absolutely clear regarding abstaining from blood our doctrine prohibiting it is Scriptural. Similarly, since the Scriptures are silent regarding such fractions the Witnesses leave this up to one's personal choice and so our position on fractions is also completely Scriptural
    The mental gymnastics required to follow this JW thought process that lays out the "logic" of the blood doctrine and how taking parts of blood is scriptural (the best parts, by the way...skimming the vital components) is making my head hurt.

    First there was the ridiculous blood and alcohol analogy and now there is this. Twisted and convoluted "logic" in order to bend and break the so-called religious injunction against blood.

    Are these views familiar to anyone? Are these the arguments that the HLC and elders have been trained to use when challenged on the JW's use of blood components and blood products?

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I would be much more impressed if the WT spin doctors did a similar job on the two witness rule. It would be easy to fudge that rule with similar convoluted reasoning but no, the it's better to sweep the mattter under the carpet.

  • Splash

    It really doesn't matter what justifications or so-called logic is applied to this teaching, the GB could turn around tomorrow, say it was all wrong, give new 'scriptural' reasons and everyone would have to believe and obey those instead.

    It's a blind faith.

    This was interesting too:

    since the Scriptures are silent regarding such fractions the Witnesses leave this up to one's personal choice

    The scriptures are silent regarding the four components of blood, but Witnesses have no freedom of choice whether to accept these or not.

    WT logic is anything but logical.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Logically, as blood is broken down, at some point the components logically cease to be blood. If this logic was not correct then EVERY molecule which had ever been part of blood would still be considered blood and could not be ingested to eternity. . . .One reason most Witnesses accept blood fractions is because most of them are the product of destroying blood. . . . Fractions are not blood when they are a product of destroying blood.

    And following this "logic," if one were to break down blood mechanically or by cooking for, say, a boudin noir recipe, then such a sausage would also be perfectly acceptable as it contained only 'destroyed blood.'

  • konceptual99
    mental gymnastics

    Unfortunately gymnastics implies skill, dexterity and artistry. Trying to make this whole thing logical is is actually more like a game of Twister on a board covered in turds.

    It's nothing more than blind obedience to whatever the current "thinking" of the GB is.

  • TheWonderofYou
    as blood is broken down, at some point the components logically cease to be blood. ....

    then such a sausage (made of DESTROYED "little" FRACTIONS) would also be perfectly acceptable

    The future belongs therefore to those clever JW who professionally "destroy" blood to be no-blood. Even if only 3 little components are destroyed logicaicalllly, naturallaly and morallically the complete substance called blood would be destroyed and not be naturally blood anymore. Even any remaining major or LARGER component like "Hyersupervivid-lifebearer" or "Cyrosuper-talent" would hence not have any "livebearing" function any more in the group of the four and also be destroyed.

    The best professions and well paid will be the "Blood destroyers" and those who put together the destroyed components and sell "artifical sausages of destroyed blood fractions", which could safe the planet of hunger crisis in Africa or hunger for artifical blood of destroyed fractions.

    But for such sausage would it even really be necessary logically" to "destroy" blood through expensive techniques? If i thinke logically and would pour out blood, it would also suddenly be magically "destroyed" and not be the lifebearing "blood" anymore, simply naturally because it has no "livebearing" function. So sausages from destroyed blood are allowed.

    So the eating of "destroyed fractions" is nothing else then eating blood from naturally poured out animals and makes morally no difference, because early christians didnt eat sausages.

    My biblical conscience tells me, it is unimportant whatever "Grays' Anatomy" (NOT Grey's Anatomy!!!) states or what "Dailey" notes, for me only counts what the real physician apostel LUKE tells me and not what GREYS ANATOMY tells.

  • TheWonderofYou
    As an organization JWs have determined that the four primary components can still be viewed as "blood" on a *moral* and *representational* level.

    As an organisation JW have determined also that the members of the GB (primary components) can still be viewed as "faithful slave" on a moral and representational level even if they destroyed the "slave class" theory. Some individual JWs view this as an indication that like Cyro the GB has a similar life-sustaining role to the function of the body of christ and carries on such a life-sustaining role in the body of christ that it therefore is not included in responsibilty for any consequences of misunderstandings.

    Similarly, since the Scriptures are silent regarding such fractions of christians called GB, we

  • OrphanCrow

    Splash: It's a blind faith...WT logic is anything but logical.

    konceptual: Unfortunately gymnastics implies skill, dexterity and artistry. Trying to make this whole thing logical is is actually more like a game of Twister on a board covered in turds.
    It's nothing more than blind obedience to whatever the current "thinking" of the GB is.

    I know. I don't even know where to start to try to unravel that ball of string!
    The current thinking of the GB, incidentally, matches the current interests of those who Wonder mentions:
    The future belongs therefore to those clever JW who professionally "destroy" blood to be no-blood.
    The best professions and well paid will be the "Blood destroyers" and those who put together the destroyed components and sell "sausages of destroyed blood fractions"

    The shifting WT "blood doctrine" has always shifted and matched the needs of those "blood destroyers".
    Jehovah's Witnesses have been using "destroyed blood" for over 5 decades. Even at the time that the 1981 "Question from Readers" addressed the blood policy and came up with ridiculously tight guidelines for the use of blood, including the use of blood in fertilizer:

    How should a Christian view using blood as fertilizer, as animal food or in some other way that does not involve his eating it?

    "Questions From Readers," The Watchtower, October 15, 1981, pp. 30-1.

    At the same time that the 1981 WT was tightening the parameters of the blood prohibition, the WT had already approved a vital "blood fraction" for JW's to use. Factor viii for hemophiliacs was already used by JWs - and they got infected the same way the rest of the population did when the Aids crisis hit the blood supply.

    And, at that same time, Dr. Dixon and Gene Smalley released the WT's stand on blood to the medical community in this treatise published in 1981:

    Jehovah's Witnesses. The surgical/ethical challenge.

    And all that happened right after the WTS officially took over the JW hospital network (in the year the fluosol trials started - on JW patients).

    Blood Destroyers, indeed.

    The WT has taken an ideological view of blood, they have searched diligently inside the pages of a religious book (that they liberally change when it suits their purpose), and found a way to justify their blood phobia. And they have called it a "religious belief". When that doctrinal (flexible) belief simply is a device to satisfy the demands and needs of the "blood destroyers".

    Maybe this is what they mean when, in the 1981 WT article, they said that blood could be "put on the altar"...or...poured on the ground. The "altar" must be the blood destroyer industry.

    Jehovah's Altar, indeed. Covered in destroyed blood and destroyed lives of JW believers, ready to obey the commands of.....who?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "The reason most JWs accept fractions is because they can morally and logically be viewed as no longer "blood."

    Using this perverted logic, would a J.W. who loved Ferraris, (but could never afford one) accept the steering wheel from a Ferrari which he knew had been stolen by the local car-thief? It would no longer be a "stolen car" would it?

    Also, what "fractions" of sexual immorality are J.W.'s allowed to accept? (See Acts 15:29)

  • Vidiot

    @ OrphanCrow...

    Didn't you once mention that the Org's "blood phobia" may have actually had its historical origins in the privately held racist views of certain WT higher-ups way back in the day?

    That they didn't want to risk getting transfused with blood from black people or somesuch, so they went looking for "Biblical" reasons to reject the treatment?

    Maybe I'm wrong.

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