NEW LIGHT FROM SLO CIRCUIT OVERSEER "Warning, Blood on Doorposts", "The Couple who Missed One Meeting Died With Their Kids, Don't Miss Any!

by Trailer Park Pioneer 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

    We had a Circuit Overseer blast Dr. Harold Camping for False Prophecy and "Jehovah's People are blessed because they don't allow hucksters or tricksters to suck their finances dry or preach a false message like Harold Camping's 5-21-2011 campaign did!  Is this the new generation of Jehovah's Witnesses, people who don't know the Bible or any Watchtower historical events?  

       "History is not what really happened but what people were told happened" or "History is not what really happened but what people think happened!"

                                                                       Don Quixote

    "History: is gossip well told"  Elbert Hubbard "The Royal Dictionary

  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

    Do you think this was his own personal embellishment on Exodus or coming from the Organization?  In Field Service I was with my mother talking with a Christian fundamentalist, honestly she said "We fired our Preacher because he said "Your all going to Hell" with a smile on his face."  next she said "Our new Preacher tells us we all are going to Hell with tears in his eyes, we like him!"  Do people enjoy being told their going to be destroyed unless they obey?  Grace is detestable to the Watchtower Organization because it destroy's their key premise, "It's not what God gave you, it's what you've done for God today that matters!"

    Over the past we had many Circuit Overseers who had said some of the most crazy excrement, they go above and beyond what is written in the Bible.  Elders were happy when we had COs with drinking problems, "He's down to earth and love's drinking gin and tonics, lots of them!" What in the Hell is wrong with our Elders, and Publishers who are not questioning our constant 180 degrees belief changes?  If only the we could put Billy up against the Newbie C.O., I would pay to see Billy rip through his bogus theology, I am tired of the guilt!

  • rebel8

    The Israelites had meetings on Wednesdays and Sundays? lol.

    That message works. For a moment, while reading the OP, I was back in the day, thinking I had to attend every single meeting in case the Big A came. And then I snapped out of it. But yeah it's an effective message.

    miss the day when Jehovah's Faithful Slave tell's them "its time to go in the secret room

    Repeating for emphasis: They are still talking about hiding out. Preppers.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    One congregation I attended for years had an elder with a job requiring three shifts. Days, evenings and graveyard. He missed two weeks out of six Ministry School, Service Meeting and Book study for decades. Everyone knew he was so under qualified, with no jobs skills to go looking for new employment that no one ever said anything. He had a good paying job, took care of his family and did not miss meetings when off work.

    I wonder how the s--t storm from this CO would go over in that hall.

  • runForever
    C.O.'s gotta collect their money somehow. More fear More money.
  • RecoveringISFJ
    Funny, I gues that maybe he forgot Hebrews 6:10 "For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name+ by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones.". Maybe that scripture will be taken out of the next revision on the NWT on the 200th anniversary of the kingdom in 2114!
  • OrphanCrow
    blood was put on the doorposts

    The WTS has lots of blood on their doorpost - 70 years of JWs' blood. The ones who died refusing blood transfusions.

  • Oubliette

    notsurewheretogo, beat me to it!

    I'll add this prophecy: Everyone you know is going to die. So are you. Armageddon isn't coming. The GB are a bunch of delusional old fools.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Stirred

    If I was at KH hearing this talk, I think I would gather my bag and kids and walk right out...while he was still speaking ....


  • WTWizard

    First, this is a blatant attempt to psychically connect us with Israel.  Why are they doing that when the vast majority of us are not in Israel?  Are you living there?  If not, then why are you affected by Israeli law?

    Next, why are they giving advice that is way out of date?  Now, suppose I am totally right about hyperinflation and silver reaches 7,000 [1/2014] toilet papers an ounce, real estate prices plummet versus silver, and anyone that has significant silver is rich and everyone else is destitute and starves.  Of what importance is that going to be some 4,000 years from now?  Amassing all that silver at that time might not be of any benefit, especially if prices are stable and based on gold.  By that time, a new find of silver might be imminent and it might be bad advice for that time.  Likewise, what may have happened in ancient Israel (and I believe the whole thing is a lie) is not pertinent now, and following this advice will give bad consequences this time.  And I mean consequences like communism.

    Finally, so what if you skip the boasting session?  The washtowel rags are posted online.  Just download them if you wish to keep up with what is going on, and look at the posts that appear right here.  Even the Kingdumb Misery rags are posted on their official jw dot org site.  If you know the congregation number, you can probably find everything you need to know right online--right from their own site.

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