Why is the Faithful Slave Now Admitting Ignorance?

by Vanderhoven7 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    DBM writes on the question: Will Sodomites get a resurrection?

    I guess it depends the date that you asked this question. Here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:

    Their latest answer is a non-dogmatic “We have no idea” based on a talk from the October 2023 Annual Meeting.

    At this meeting they also say that they are going to be less dogmatic, I wonder why? Maybe because they got a lot of things wrong in the past and are a bit embarrassed that people are doing the research and posting it online?

    Here’s the link to the video the screenshot is from :https://youtu.be/mGZpnN0p4tM

  • DesirousOfChange

    First time seeing anything from Berean pickets channel. It certainly offers a bit more “class” (for lack of a better word) than many other YouTube exposes’ about WT.

  • enoughisenough

    it would appear that the God of order likes to confuse Jesus's voice on earth by flickering the light.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Because you can only be dogmatic and wrong for so long until you paint yourself into a corner.

    When being beaten about the head and neck with facts and examples of your either failed predictions or doctrinal flip flops its time to capitulate and admit your ignorance. The longer you avoid that the more foolish you appear and any credibility you hope to salvage is gone.

  • Vidiot

    Couldn’t have put it better, Dog.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg can only have it both ways on things until they truly get stuck like the blood policy,,,neutrality,,,superior authorities.....


    Bullet Head Splane’s entire persona makes me ill…


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    Bullet Head Splane’s entire persona makes me ill...

    GB Splane reminds me of Cone-Head...I can't stand him either!

  • BluesBrother

    If I were still a young enthusiastic dub , I could be confused.. y this and the stuff that comes later in the AGM.

    We followed the GB, the “slave” because we thought they did know…. That somehow they had information that we did not. …that God revealed things so if they said something- then that’s how it was.

    Now they seem as much in the dark as the rest of us … “they just don’t know “!

  • Listener

    It looks like their last position on this was that the Sodomites would not be resurrected. The problem with this is that it doesn't fit in with their new idea about people dying at Armageddon, the possibility of resurrection, also the idea that ex JWs can return after the start of the GT and God being merciful. Instead of taking the opposite viewpoint again, they've decided not to take one at all.

    However, when you look at their new ideas/light, one could only conclude that the Sodomites or those dying in Noah's day would be treated the same. That means that even though they do not want to be dogmatic about the Sodomites but they are being dogmatic with these new idea's/light.

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