I'm still on my JWN holidays but had to pop back to share this experience.

by nicolaou 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JeffT
    Very well played! Instead of being the evil apostate, you've set yourself up to be the friend that can help him navigate through unfamiliar waters. This may lead to something good.
  • LV101
    You're a wonderful human being -- Dave is very fortunate.
  • jookbeard
    lets hope Dave could be waking up soon!
  • Simon

    He's lucky to have met you, hopefully you can provide the information he needs if / when he's ready for it in easy to digest chunks.

    Also, I was not aware we allowed vacation time! LOL

  • kairos

    Please keep track of your service time!

    Seriously do.
    It would be very interesting if he learns TTATT, how many hours it takes.

    I'm guessing, ten?

  • Listener
    I wonder what will prove more dangerous to this guy? Working on the sorting floor or on the contaminated site.
  • goingthruthemotions
    wouldn't that be something if he learned TTATT
  • stuckinarut2

    But HOW could you possible be a nice person seeing as you have "left Jehovah"??

    Witnesses are told that anyone who leaves MUST be an evil, heartless, selfish, cruel person who hates his former brothers??

    Interesting too how he was a "big fish" in the witness bowl, yet outside of that, he is a just a normal person... That takes many witnesses a long time to comprehend...

  • Gefangene

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if Dave is reading on this site recognizing himself in your posting?

    You never know.. lol

    Let's put the joke aside.. it's really beautiful how you care about Dave. You never know.. maybe it was meant to be that you were assigned to work with him

  • ShirleyW
    When you mentioned to him that you were once a Dub, if that was me I just would've left it there. Then let him think that maybe I was DFd, then he'd have to think "oh, no, just got a new job and I'm working with a DFd Dub, what should I do"? I bet if you didn't tell him you weren't DFd he would probably run to the elders and get counsel as to what he should do, which would be to ask. If he asked me I would've said it's not proper to discuss religion on the job and I don't have to answer that anyway, then let him run to the Elders again like a five year old runs to mommy.

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