Things are too quiet at Warwick (Bethel)

by RubaDub 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    I guess it's the COVID-19 thing. But very little news from a couple of people I know well there. They can't leave the "compound" or much of anything else. Just walk around on some nature trails in the area.

    It's very strange. Even they tell me it is strange.

  • Ding

    Maybe they are all in their Armageddon bunkers.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    maybe armageddon happened and no one has told them

  • skin

    Normally they would be out in the open informing everyone that all is ok and everyone is thinking of everyone and all are sending there love etc...but nothing like that this time???

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I agree RubaDub...I've been in contact with many who are there. They put on a 'happy face' for the sake of appearances...while at the same time they speak/describe the many restrictions they're forced to live by. It's a long list of do's and don'ts...or else! I especially feel sorry for married couples cooped-up and enclosed in a 500' square foot studio 24/7 for the past 3 months. I mean...tension and tempers must be at a breaking point by now for a ton of married individuals. And they're talking about it being this way until possibly September or October. The at Bethel sucks!

  • sir82

    I've heard they can't socialize inside either - can't visit other couples' rooms, can't get together in groups. Maybe they can walk around outside if socially distant, not really sure about that.

    That's gotta be driving them crazy.

    being this way until possibly September or October.

    That's probably right about when the 2nd wave begins.

    Or, what seems increasingly likely, there will be no "2nd wave" - there are so many nitwits endangering their own lives and the lives of others that it's just going to be one long, continuous wave.

    In any event, I don't see Bethel returning to "normal" for at least a year, probably longer.

  • nowwhat?

    We just had a visiting speaker from walkill via zoom. He said no one at bethel has the virus. They are just going to start up with some printing this week. Other than that nothing going on

  • Finkelstein

    Since they are living a Jah's chosen earthly compound they must have a sense of security and protection from the virus.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Yep the only thing that has stopped the 'celestial chariot' is Covid-19!

    just saying!

  • jp1692

    RaD: They can't leave the "compound" or much of anything else. Just walk around on some nature trails in the area.

    And just imagine doing that for all eternity!

    "You Can Live Forever in a Compound in Upstate New York!"

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