California to ban sales of fossil fuel cars in 15 years

by mickbobcat 45 Replies latest social current

  • mickbobcat

    This will never work but liberals are too stupid to know it. First off all you have to do is cross the border and buy a car. If they will not let you license it in the state then many will license it out of state. California can not ever stop people from out of state driving their cars from out of state in the state. The Fed would slam that down fast and the SC would uphold it. If they get rid of gas stations the state is DOA. No Truckers no tourism ect. The state is already on the ropes and it would be pouring gas on a fire. Just when you think a liberal can not get any dumber they set a new low bar.

    Get ready for a mass exodus from this SH of a state.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The idea probably will not work wwithin the next 15-20 years but that doesn't mean that it's not a good idea! Somewhere down the line, our great grand children will be travelling around in vehicles that leave little to no emissions! Let's hope!

    just saying!

  • mickbobcat

    Eye, If you actually look into this idea there is nothing on the horizon that replaces fossil fuel. Even Wind and solar use more fossil fuel to build and maintain and are not that great of a return. Electric cars are made with more fossil fuel than regular cars and most of the electricity they use to run on is from fossil fuel. Wind gens last only 20 years or so, Solar panels are only about 10 to 15 percent efficient and last about 15 to 20 years give or take. There is no technology on the horizon that can be developed to fly a plane that is not some light RC style plane that does nothing but barely lift itself. All this talk about dumping fossil fuel is a lot like the talk about going to Mars. Its not going to happen. Humans can not keep more than a small highly supplied group of people scientists at the south pole and there is water and air there. There are neither in enough quantities to keep humans alive on Mars. Its not going to happen. The idea that we cam make a utopian future denies the stupidity of humans. Not going to happen.

    First off all nations would have to come togeather and stop wars and put religion on the back burner and stop most all births. At least for a while then once the population drops to about 4 billion or so only allow replacement births. Even China has had a hell of time enforcing that one and they are a totalitarian nation. So its not going to happen. The future is just bleak for humans. Past my sell by date. But its not gong to be good. There will be a dystopian future for the next generations.

    There was a Town built out in the country where I used to live. It was going to be a sustainable city. Solar ect. They took us on a tour and showed us the Solar collectors. LOL I asked the guy after the tour WTH that amount of cells is not going to power the city. He said they may get enough to do the street lights. But its more of an idea than a city run on renewable energy. Solar and wind are BS. Look at California where they are having issues because the sun does not shine all the time and the wind does not blow all the time and even when they are running you must have a fossil plant idling in case of spike or solar not supplying enough or wind no supplying enough. Wind and solar are a joke.

  • frozen2018

    If this stands the whole nation and most of the world will feel it. California represents such a huge market that the manufacturers are going to gear production based on what California mandates. It also will not be just California. Many other state governments are considering similar orders for the masses. The bad part is that "we the people" keep voting for those snake oil sellers.

    To be clear, I don't have a problem with electric vehicles. I would buy one if it performed similar to my current vehicle and was priced the same. The reality is dealers don't even sell electrics where I live because they don't work well (I live in cold and snow country) and the price is too high. I've seen a Tesla or two driving around - in the SUMMER! I think they get parked in the winter. My town also has a couple of EV charging stations. I have yet to see a single vehicle plugged into one.

  • mickbobcat

    The thing is when a city has 1 percent or less of EV cars the few charging stations may keep up. But no put everyone on this and its a Cluster. Its not the silver bullet that the left says it is. People don't know that blades of the wind turbines are fiberglass and only last about 15 to 20 years and need to be replaced. It takes a lot of fossil fuel to build a turbine. Same with solar. Micheal Moore who is by far not a conservative produced a movie a few months ago that showed the green movement is smoke and Mirrors. That without a huge push to stop population growth its all spitting on a 5 alarm fire.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    wouldnt it be a lot simpler to think outside the box ?

    ban private car ownership altogether. limit travel to essential journeys only.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Mick and frozen

    Our great great grand parents scoffed at the idea of wireless communication, micro wave cooking and men going to the moon!

    just saying!

  • frozen2018

    Our great great grand parents scoffed at the idea of wireless communication, micro wave cooking and men going to the moon!

    True. The government has innovated many, many great things. The microwave did indeed come from radar tech developed for WW2. But, the private sector refined the product and in the end it was consumers who adopted the tech. If the microwave had followed the Newsome model, the government would have said, "We are banning the sale of conventional stoves and ovens in 15 years. You have to buy microwaves." Who knows? Maybe if the government had made such a mandate we would be living in a better world.

    Again, I don't have anything against electric vehicles. When one is manufactured with comparable performance and price (without subsidy) to what is now available, the market will move in that direction. No manufacturer has turned a profit selling electric vehicles (without the subsidy), not even Elon Musk. Musk has made tons of money selling credits for his cars to companies who cannot make their "zero emissions" quota.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    How are they going to charge all those electric cars when they have rolling blackouts now and are begging electric companies for electricity?

  • mickbobcat

    They have been working on fuel cells and other technology for over 50 years. We are no closer to finding this silver bullet than we were then. The so called Green energy bunch has lowered themselves to using so called bio fuel. Bio fuel is nothing more than burning trees and other things like garbage and rail road ties. They call this bio fuel green. This is what they slip in over in places like Germany and other countries and then tell peopel they are at 60 percent renewals. Its a joke. This is a fuel dump of a biomass energy plant called green. I guess liberals don't know that coal is nothing but vegetation converted over time and pressure.

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