Double Standards

by Beans 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    Hello Brothers and Sisters!

    I have safley returned from my adventures across the ocean and happened to stumble and meet the German District Overbier, GERMAN JW!!! What a pleasure it was to see him enjoying a beer as I entered the room, I could not help but join him in the ritual. The German Apostates have a fine following and are planning a booze cruize in the next few months of over 70, wish I could make that eh!

    BEEF #1

    As I was growing up one of the biggest things that bothered me was how JW's talk the talk but don't walk the walk and here is a great example. As my trip to Germany was for my grandmothers 90th birthday my sister a JW tagged along and billed it a "FAMILY REUNION" she went on to say that she really didn't participate as she really sat in the other room and did not sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" what a crock!!!

    BEEF #2

    Ok in Germany cheers is PROSIT and as you know FORBIDDEN for any good JW, but they also raise there glasses "also forbidden" and say Herzlich Wilkommen which means a great welcome, so my sister was trying to justify that this as OK! What a crock!

    BEEF #3

    It was also my niece's 12th birthday last week and my JW sister bought her a present and gave it to her on that day and billed it "something she just saw and wanted to give her" another CROCK!

    BEEF #4

    Also in Germany on Easter they have "Oester Fier" a ritual Easter party and outdoor fire where people greet each other HAPPY EASTER, so I say to my JW sister are you going to the "Easter Party"??? And what a great response "Well it's just a fire! What a joke eh!

    So the bottom line is they bend the meaning of anything forbidden so they may do what ever they please, it's good to know that gods chossen people are making sure everything on earth is in check eh! Yes and she will keep buying her lottery tickets because if she wins I can claim the prize and keep half, hey if that ever happens boy Im taking the ticket keeping it all and reporting her to the elders!

    Warm Apostate Love, Beans

    Canadian District Overbeer

  • Prisca

    Cool information! Thanks for the report. Seems that the German JWs are starting to apostacise from the main Borg, LOL!!!

    Cool that you met German JW! So, what's he like?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Nice going Beans! I mean, what else are JWs to conclude about such innocuous traditions as clinking glasses, toasting, etc., when what passes for a braintrust in Brooklyn tells readers of its Awake! (April 8 this year) not to lose any sleep over the pagan origins of the Hawaain luau... chill out, lighten up; nobody remembers how it got started anyway, so eat and enjoy!

    I genuinely pity anyone who takes these guys seriously.

  • Dansk

    What a load of Crocks!

    Hey, 215, how's that dog of yours?!


  • Skeptic

    This is good news. The more JWs that do normal things like holidays, not shunning, etc. the less control the Borg has. Eventually, the Borg will get "New Light" because they will not be able to enforce some of the really stupid rules.

    Two other factors help. More JWs are born into the religion, which means less of a need to differentiate themselves from other faiths. Another factor is that the Dubs need to attract more middle to upper class members, more well-educated members. So there is some pressure to seem more normal to outsiders.


  • sandy
    Yes and she will keep buying her lottery tickets because if she wins I can claim the prize and keep half, hey if that ever happens boy Im taking the ticket keeping it all and reporting her to the elders!

    LOL, That is so funny! My Mom says if I win your Dad could go on The Big Spin since he is DF'd.

  • SpiceItUp

    Beans--glad to have yuo back and safe

    This reminds me of last year on Thanksgiving my mom cooked a turkey and on Xmas she cooked a ham...I mean they are just meals and we have to eat right???

  • Englishman

    I've been known to sing a few "Ein prosits gemuchlicheits" meself.


  • gumby
    they bend the meaning of anything forbidden so they may do what ever they please

    First of all welcome back beans.....we missed ya.

    The rules they bend are rules we apostates didn't put up with and we got kicked out and shunned for it. The difference is they follow the rules and bend them.......which in reality is breaking them. ( and they wonder why we get pissed at them )

    Nice to have you back ya bastard


  • DJ

    Hi Beans,

    That is all very familiar to me. My family is the same way but....the birthday gift is usually a day before of after....never on the day.oooooo.

    I was under the impression that they got some 'new light' about toasting a drink. My family toasted their drinks at my Aunt's funeral luncheon. I asked my mom about that and she told me that is was a matter of conscience. I absolutely remember being taught that this was forbidden, just like you said. Anyway, in Italy the always say "salute" pronounced (sa lu tay), before they drink and click their means "to your health". dj

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