What was it like being a JW in the 1960's and 1970's

by UnshackleTheChains 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    For a few years, beginning 1973, the WTS started saying a lot about the role of ones conscience in making everyday, personal decisions.

    This was firstly introduced at the elders schools that were (and probably still are?) periodically conducted at the branch offices. I can recall a newly-appointed Circuit Overseer in 1973, straight out of Gilead and quite horrified that people were asking the elders for guidance about matters were (to quote) "up to ones conscience". Then, either late in 1974 or early 1975, there were a series of articles in The Watchtower that dealt at length on this matter. These articles came over as quite definite that it was not "The Society's" (or the congregation's) role to impose anything that resembled a Talmud when it came to personal matters - including dress and grooming.

    Scuttlebutt has since had it that this was done, looking ahead to the "Tribulation" - which of course, was about to happen "at any moment". After all, every bloody fool new that the Great Tribulation was no longer "just around the corner". No, instead we were now staring down the home straight at the thing! (Apparently). Story has it that the WTS was preparing the congregations for the "persecution" that was to follow, in which we would be cut off from Brooklyn - and likely from the local branch office, too. All this would make it impossible to ask "The Organisation" for guidance, so it was important instead to have a well developed "conscience" to make these calls for us. So the story has it after the event. I don't know if it really happened that way, or if it is just another product of the Great JW Rumour Mill !

    Anyway, all this about the matter of conscience (whether spoken or written) was interpreted differently from congregation to congregation. Some took an approach that was noticeably more relaxed. One congegation in Australia (Newmarket, in Queensland) became quite renowned for this. A number of the ministerial servants wore beards, jackets or suit coats were not required wear a the book studies, and - unbelievably, women were permitted to wear pants suits, both at the hall and while out in field service.

    In mid-1977, the new circuit overseer (those in Australia may remember "Cyclone Rex" Mainwaring?) nearly blew a gasket when he saw the line-up of bearded ministerial servants. However, the body of elders got its way, and no action was taken against those brothers. They retained both their beards and their positions!

    However, a few years down the track, the Governing Body realised what a genie it had released from the bottle when those articles about conscience were published. By the early 1980s, things had reverted to the legalistic regime of beforehand.

  • blondie

    Up until 1965 it was fairly simple but when the book proclaiming 1975 came out in 1966, the mood changed of hopefulness and urgency...only 9 years to go.

    But my family though believing did not buy into that the date could be determined, as the bible says it would come at a time you do not think it to be. But we were not adversarial about it.

    Those were eventful years even outside the WTS especially 1968, 1969 men on the moon, etc.

    Actually there were 5 meetings, 1 hour weekday, book study; 2 on another weekday, school and service meeting, and 2 on Sunday, public talk and WT study. They were longer. I can remember meeting an hour before the book study to make return visits when people tended to be home...what a concept.

    There was a break between the Sunday meetings to allow visitors to leave after the talk and to allow the jw smokers (yes until 1973 not completely sanctioned, elders and regular pioneers could not be smokers but some were and hid it)

    In the mid 60's many teenage jws (were turning up pregnant) and articles Like Toying with Immorality and requiring proper chaperones were stressed. About 1/4 of my contemporaries were df'd ruing that period (came back in a few years).

    The material in the WT study was read after they questions were asked and answered, until the WTS realized how few people pre-studied, but were reading the paragraph as the question was answered.

    The CO visit consisted of switch to Tuesday for his first night, with a small talk afterwards composed by the CO not the WTS. A Saturday meeting New things with the questions provided the week before. On Thursday only the #1 talk was given and the service meeting shortened again for another CO composed talk. There were many wild personal comments from COs during that time.

    There was less rule making in general and things eased up some but in the 80's the WTS clamped down again after the Great Apostasy at Bethel.

    There were less distractions for people in general, no cable channels, no internet, cellphones, computers, etc.

    I don't long for those days; there were still busybodies, gossipers, powermongers, etc.

  • rebel8

    Disco, by the way, was completely vilified. Disco was not allowed in any way--you could not even see movies if they had disco soundtracks! In fact,

    I was not allowed to have further contact with a longtime non-jw friend because she watched Saturday Night Fever and had a strobe light in her play room. (We were pre-teens.)

    We were told constantly from the platform that disco was created by tribes as a demonized fertility ritual that promoted homosexuality. (Don't ask me how a fertility ritual promotes homosexuality. I have no clue!)

    And WHY would you tell kids they will become demon possessed homosexuals if they listen to music...it's just wrong to treat children that way.

    One of the elders quit his job in 1975, and became a pioneer in October (in spite of having to support his 13 children). He also trained himself to eat leaves for when the great tribulation arrives.


  • betterdaze
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Disco, by the way, was completely vilified. Disco was not allowed in any way--you could not even see movies if they had disco soundtracks!

    Ah the memories! I remember a sister who had to go hunt down her 15 year old kid sister ('fleshly' sister) who was in a discotheque.

    Yes, the memories of John Travolta "staying alive" in Saturday Night Fever.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    "He trained himself to eat leaves for when the great tribulation arrives", I'am speechless. I wonder did the society realize they were making people nutty as a fruit cake..

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    We were told constantly from the platform that disco was created by tribes as a demonized fertility ritual that promoted homosexuality. (Don't ask me how a fertility ritual promotes homosexuality. I have no clue!)

    Maybe they were all bisexual?

  • Finkelstein

    I wonder did the society realize they were making people nutty as a fruit cake..

    They didn't care they were more concerned about increasing their literature distribution.

    Lies and deceptions mixed in with some fear mongering did the trick.

  • steve2

    That old newsreel from 1963 reminded me that baptism "parades" were big highlights of assemblies (now more commonly called 'conventions'). Clearly, the sheer numbers baptized at assemblies was huge compared to current ones. In 1963, 800 were baptized at the 30,000 strong assembly in Twickenham alone, about 2.6% of those attendjng. The percentages of numbers baptized to attendance levels

    increased leading up to 1975 but nowadays, these sorts of percentages are no longer found in the west.

  • snugglebunny
    Actually there were 5 meetings, 1 hour weekday, book study; 2 on another weekday, school and service meeting, and 2 on Sunday, public talk and WT study.

    I wonder if the abandoning of the book study was all to do with stopping unsupervised association amongst the JW's? Same thing with reducing the gaps between assembly sessions and the doing away with assembly food lines so as to reduce unsupervised association? If you look at old pics or video of the food queues everyone seemed to know everyone else. I think that has all gone now.

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